Man Cave Happy Hour
Welcome to Man Cave Happy Hour – Whiskey, Spirits, and the stories that go along with them.
Join Jamie, Matt, and August as they take you on a spirited journey through the world of fine drinks and fascinating conversations. Broadcasting live from top lounges, distilleries, and happy hours, they explore the best new spirits, uncover hidden gems, and dive into the stories behind the bottles.
From master distillers and cocktail experts to bartenders, foodies, and entrepreneurs, every episode is a toast to craftsmanship, creativity, and the love of a great drink. Whether you're a whiskey connoisseur or just love a good cocktail, pull up a chair, pour a glass, and enjoy the ride.
Produced at the Podcast Your Voice Studios
Man Cave Happy Hour
Five Seconds to Laughter: The Quirky Tale of PBR Whiskey and Detroit Memories
What happens when you age Pabst Blue Ribbon whiskey for just five seconds? We found out, and it's brought a whole new level of laughs to the Man Cave Happy Hour. Join Jamie Flanagan, August Gitschlag, Matt Fox, and our special guest, the hilarious Matt Conte, as we dive into this quirky whiskey experience. We explore its playful nod to the iconic PBR beer and dissect the surprisingly intricate mash bill that somehow makes it, well, whiskey. Alongside the whiskey talk, Matt Fox shares tales from his family's Grand Rapids adventure, and we all reminisce about our favorite local haunts like Eastern Market and Hamtramck.
The episode offers more than just whiskey chatter; it's a hearty serving of nostalgia and humor. Matt Conte spices things up with a story about attending a party dressed as a Scottish Soccer Hooligan, and we take trips down memory lane with stories of growing up in Detroit and life in Sterling Heights. The chatter meanders into the realm of memorable gifts, like a certain bottle of liquor meant to amuse, which serves as a springboard for anecdotes about timing and appreciation. Our collective love for laughter and connection shines through every twist of conversation, celebrating those little moments of joy that life throws our way.
But wait, there's more! We roll through the vibrant nightlife of Ferndale, recounting venues and wild stories of track-suited adventures, all while debating the art of mixing the perfect drink. As we wrap up, alternative Valentine's Day plans take center stage, complete with a humorous take on overpriced dinners and the candy industry's brainchild, Sweetest Day. Whether you're a whiskey enthusiast or just love a good story filled with laughter and camaraderie, this episode promises to entertain and connect. Grab your favorite drink, kick back, and enjoy the ride with us!
Jamie Flanagan @DJJamieDetroit
Matt Fox @fox_beazlefox
Merch www.WearingFunny.com
Theme song
I said hey, hey welcome to the man Cave Happy Hour.
I said hey, hey, welcome to the man Cave Happy Hour.
We're going to drink a fine whiskey and smoke a really fine cigar.
Jamie Flanagan: 0:25
It is time for Happy Hour. It is the man Cave Happy Hour Whiskey, cigar, spirits, the stories that go along with it. I'm Jamie Flanagan, that's August Gitschlag. Matt Fox, you're here, buddy.
Matt Fox: 0:34
What's up, brother? Nice to have you.
August Gitschlag: 0:36
Missed you at the WTF. Yes, what the fuck man, I know.
Matt Fox: 0:41
I was spending time with my kiddos and I and the partner, we all went up to Grand Rapids.
Jamie Flanagan: 0:47
Here's spend time with family when you can, that's right.
August Gitschlag: 0:50
Good call Good call we are joined today. Oh, we are. We have a fresh new face on the man cave. In-studio guest. In-studio guest Mr Matt Conte. How are you?
Matt Conte: 0:59
Jamie Flanagan: 1:00
Thank you everyone for having me Pull that, just pull that up, bring it to you Talk right in, right about there, there you go.
Matt Fox: 1:06
That's sexy. That's sexy right there.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:08
Diddy was trying to. Oh boy, you went, diddy.
Matt Conte: 1:11
You went straight baby lotion on this Straight Right From zero to 100.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:15
Get right in on that, get right up in that business. Glad to. So we thought we got punked. We really. Today it's all about Pabst Blue Ribbon.
August Gitschlag: 1:28
Some of you may know Some of you might have heard that I had a birthday. Happy birthday. Was it your 21st, Something like that at 30. And it wouldn't have been what it was without you three.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:38
We're all a part of it.
August Gitschlag: 1:39
Especially Jamie did all the emceeing and DJing it, but I also cleared a shit ton of booze. Oh, you got a new booze Lotto tickets were hitting.
Matt Fox: 1:49
Oh yeah, I hit $150 in lottery tickets.
August Gitschlag: 1:51
Yeah, it was fun, so this is one of the boozes that I got and I'm like I had no idea whose card went to what. By the time everything got taken out of the car, it was all a mess.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:59
I did. I saw you took a picture of this. You posted on Facebook. You're like. Who gave this to me? Yes, I want to know.
Matt Fox: 2:06
That would be, I'm like we're going to have.
August Gitschlag: 2:07
I'm not going to crack this until I have you here, especially after I read about it. So this is made by our pals here at New Holland. Ok, you can recognize. It's the same bottle style as New Holland's spirits to New Holland. Ok yeah, so it's made at New Holland, and it is. It is considered a whiskey, okay.
Matt Fox: 2:26
Why is it considered a whiskey, not a moonshine?
August Gitschlag: 2:29
Well, because it's aged for five seconds and I was like wait, what? So I started Googling. This Bourbon has to be two years.
Jamie Flanagan: 2:37
Well, it can be called a whiskey, though, but whiskey only needs to be See, only needs to be.
Matt Fox: 2:41
See BreakingBourboncom. That's where you're at it is.
August Gitschlag: 2:46
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have it pulled up right here. It does not slam this at all. It says it's actually very drinkable, it's tasty, and they run it through. Basically they put it into a barrel with a hole in the bottom of it, so they could say that it aged for five seconds, and it classifies it as whiskey by the Alcohol tobacco and trade tax bureau, the TTH.
Matt Fox: 3:03
And so it's no longer yeah, who didn't know that? So it's no longer called Moonshine.
August Gitschlag: 3:08
So that's kind of just ingenious and they just own it, Alright, yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 3:11
It is right on the corner of the label.
Matt Fox: 3:13
It says aged for five seconds.
Jamie Flanagan: 3:16
So that's, I went to the website. I went to PBR Whiskey website and they said oh, there's a little story and it says that the guy who started Pabst started trying to develop a whiskey and ended up with beer.
Matt Fox: 3:34
Jacob Pabst. Yes.
Jamie Flanagan: 3:35
So he got, and I guess because to do whiskeys right, you basically make a beer.
August Gitschlag: 3:40
And they say it's an 1844 recipe.
Jamie Flanagan: 3:42
It's the original recipe he wanted to use back in the day and then you know, and then from the beer you distill it down to the spears and he got to the beer.
August Gitschlag: 3:50
He's like that's enough work for today, that's it, and their other tagline is uh, this whiskey is to be drunk, not judged, just like our beer to be, to be drunk, not judged, uh, so I have a couple cans of, and they had to be Tallboys. Well, yeah. I just Did you have After serving Tallboys a PBR for 18 years at Whiskey in the Jar. Look at that. It just makes my fingernails want to fall off Cracking those things open for so long.
Jamie Flanagan: 4:16
But in tongue, in cheek. I put on the little cover slide that we put up there.
Matt Fox: 4:19
Yeah, we put it all up here.
Jamie Flanagan: 4:20
It was. You know just to taste the PBR whiskey. What the man cave would be if it was a whiskey, and I loved your retort.
August Gitschlag: 4:29
Pretty damn white I was going with transparent.
Jamie Flanagan: 4:35
I was going trashy and transparent, but yeah, okay or that. So there you go, that's it. So what else is on the label? My old man eyes this is Pat Fleur bourbon whiskey made from nature's choicest products that the legend would have had Jacob Best. It was always what he would have used in 1844. Provides it smooth and complex flavors. So we shall see. The mash bill is right on the label, matt. What do you have on the mash bill out?
Matt Fox: 5:04
there the mash bill on the BreakingBourboncom. The mash bill is showing that it's 52% corn Check and 27% malted barley Check, 17% wheat and 4% rye.
Jamie Flanagan: 5:18
Check check Coming in at standard 80 proof 80 proof, Yep. So that's your standard for a whiskey or a bourbon.
Matt Fox: 5:28
Uh, that's the the minimum. When I pulled that up, when I pulled this up and I was reading, I see age five seconds five seconds.
August Gitschlag: 5:32
I've never seen that actually published two things I thought we maybe should bring in here with this one of them is what's the most generic of a whiskey we have in well, yeah, but no, like I think there's some seagram 7 in there. This is one to compare an established whiskey like a Canadian club.
Jamie Flanagan: 5:48
Do we have something like that, Andy?
August Gitschlag: 5:50
Yeah, something to do a side-by-side with, and then a little cup of ice in case you want to drop one in there. I thought about that as I'm sitting here in the corner of the booth not getting up, so Jamie just jumped up and ran across the room.
Matt Fox: 6:03
yep so, but so I still gotta. I still have to ask you august one you had a good weekend. Yeah, how many spots did you hit on saturday with catherine?
August Gitschlag: 6:13
so saturday was one of those days. It just kind of got away from us, um, in a good way. It started with uh brunch because she loves the hippie hash at mcshane's okay, so if you're going to change, you can't not stop at nemo's next door, because my good friend heather works there and I know so we went in there, had one.
August Gitschlag: 6:30
Then her friends like hey, I want to join you. We're like well, we were, we haven't showered or nothing. Well, we can go to eastern market and we can walk around, it'll be fine I thought you were gonna say you go to eastern market and shower.
Matt Fox: 6:39
Well, no, go on. So we went to eastern market hit toco.
August Gitschlag: 6:41
Roro had a couple there then hit mcgee's next door there then we went walking through town, went to eastern market vintage, went to cutters after that, got our butts up to ham trammock for a dinner and at what point did the day get away from you? Right there at cutters, and I did my two shots of red stag with the bartender oh, boy, well, we did, we did two shots at polonia. Well, we did the, the kisses, which are just a little tiny, one ounce of their, uh, their super like sweetened cooked down stuff yeah that's not high octane, but we did do a yeji and then we did a yeji.
Matt Conte: 7:13
Yes, it's like oh yeah I had a polish beer that was.
Jamie Flanagan: 7:17
That was my starter. That was my starter that was that was my welcome cocktail.
August Gitschlag: 7:23
Yeah, so I think you have a question that you wanted to ask matt uh here as his first time on that we haven't gotten to yet.
Jamie Flanagan: 7:29
Yeah, matt, yeah, thanks for coming out. Um, what were you dressed? Were you dressed up at august party?
Matt Conte: 7:34
well, I was dressed up, but it was, uh, very incognito.
Jamie Flanagan: 7:37
You'd have to be a real did you have like the tiny tiny?
Matt Conte: 7:40
Jamie Flanagan: 7:40
Well, no, no not somebody had a tiny, tiny box.
Matt Conte: 7:44
That was mike montgomery he had a earring hanging from his from his waist yes, I'm a big snl fan, but you know I I should be this, I should do that and I kind of forgot everything. And yeah, at the very end something came to me an old skit with michael myers uh-huh uh, scottish soccer hooligan. So I showed up with a Detroit City FC arm and I had a little pen. My wife made me a little pen. I had a TV with Scottish Soccer Hooligan Perfect.
Matt Conte: 8:16
I wanted to use the accent all day and drink scotch.
Jamie Flanagan: 8:18
That is gorgeous. That is going deep for a character.
August Gitschlag: 8:22
Yeah, it's about as obscure as Massive Headroom Harry, I don't know that I for a character. Yeah, it's about as obscure as Massive.
Jamie Flanagan: 8:25
Head Wound Harry. Yeah, I don't know that. Oh, he just must smell my dog.
August Gitschlag: 8:30
Like when he's talking about. Well, I do have a massive head wound.
Jamie Flanagan: 8:34
The dog's like chewing on it.
August Gitschlag: 8:36
Yeah, the dog's nipping on it, licking his head, Dana Carvey man.
Jamie Flanagan: 8:40
That wasn't what I wanted to ask you about. What I wanted to ask you about. What I wanted to ask you about. Here it comes Tell me about your childhood.
Matt Conte: 8:47
Well, you have five seconds.
Matt Fox: 8:50
No, but that's what this is aged to Exactly.
August Gitschlag: 8:53
Way to bring it back around, Fox Awesome.
Matt Conte: 8:57
So tell me about your childhood. That's not a joke. Answer the fucking question.
August Gitschlag: 9:03
Our guests get this.
Matt Conte: 9:06
Well, answer the fucking question Tell our guests to get this.
Matt Fox: 9:08
No, I was well Answer the fucking question. I'll try to do it in five seconds.
Matt Conte: 9:11
I was born in Detroit, st John's Hospital. Oh, right on Good Starting from the very beginning. Yep, yep, why.
Jamie Flanagan: 9:18
Because I want to be close to my mom Right.
Matt Conte: 9:20
Right, couldn't get any closer. So, yeah, we lived there for gosh, maybe five, six years. Family moved out to Sterling Heights, so I grew up in Sterling Heights, which is the house I now live in with my wife Jessica and my daughter Philomena.
Matt Fox: 9:35
How old is your daughter, she's 13.
August Gitschlag: 9:38
Oh, got your running shoes on. Still, she's 13 now, yeah, 13. Oh my God.
Matt Conte: 9:43
Basketball shoes. She's on the basketball team in eighth grade middle school.
Matt Fox: 9:47
All right, big bad eighth grader.
Matt Conte: 9:49
She's so far so good. All right, so far so good, yeah, so looking forward to seeing some basketball games there you go.
Jamie Flanagan: 9:55
All right, so let's do this why?
Matt Conte: 10:00
So this is.
Jamie Flanagan: 10:02
I don't really know. There's no good and the answer is August.
Matt Conte: 10:06
Really great answer, and I can't say that I bought it two days before I had purchased three bottles of these a couple of years ago.
Jamie Flanagan: 10:14
From what I can tell, it's not available in Michigan.
Matt Conte: 10:16
No it's not available in Michigan. Oh wow, I thought it was not available. Well, it may have been when I bought it?
Matt Fox: 10:21
I don't remember.
Matt Conte: 10:22
The website does not show michigan michigan so I think I used to work quite a bit in kentucky. I was confused uh, kentucky, tennessee, somewhere you know south of michigan, and I remember seeing it at a store and I'm like this is awesome and the price point is only like 25 20 bucks. It was pretty cheap and I said well, I don't know if you're ever gonna make this again. I bought three bottles and, uh, I just kind of brought them home, kept them at home and I said there'll be a time.
Jamie Flanagan: 10:47
Who's on my shit?
Matt Conte: 10:47
August Gitschlag: 10:48
No, there'll be. So it's also finally aged in Sterling Heights machines.
Matt Conte: 10:51
Yeah, so it's aged in two years and five seconds. But I said there'll be a day when someone will appreciate this. And the first bottle, I will admit, I gave it to a friend who will remain nameless and he didn't really appreciate it. I was a little bummed out. I'm like dude, this is funny. And he didn't quite see the humor. So, whatever, there goes, one One down two to go A couple years go by, different events, different things.
Matt Conte: 11:21
And then I got the invite to August 50th and I said he's served me a few paps just three? Yeah, maybe just three uh so, and I didn't, you know, I'm like this is gonna be hilarious. So I thought that'd be a funny gift. So here it is, and I don't think I've ever. I don't. My, my friend, my nameless friend, mcgregor don't know if heor don't know if he ever cracked it Ever cracked it, yeah yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 11:48
And so you gave it to August and we're like we're going to do a whole damn podcast around the world.
August Gitschlag: 11:52
We're going to give this a solid 30 minutes to 40 minutes.
Matt Conte: 11:55
It's getting the respect it deserves. It is.
Jamie Flanagan: 11:58
It's a silly thing. But yeah, it does say brewed, distilled and bottled. Pabst Brewing Holland, michigan, but you say it's New Holland.
August Gitschlag: 12:09
Yeah, it's made in conjunction with New Holland Brewing.
Jamie Flanagan: 12:12
Okay, and they have their own spirits All right, but the bottle is your tell.
Matt Conte: 12:17
I think that bottle is like the beer barrel brewing bottle it is. It's the same size, same shape, same bottle.
August Gitschlag: 12:23
Same shape. I it's got custom. It's got the original 1844 on there. It immediately reminded me of the beer barrel bourbon bottle in.
Jamie Flanagan: 12:32
New Holland.
Matt Conte: 12:33
All right.
Jamie Flanagan: 12:36
I brought out some Canadian Club and I poured everybody a small dram of that.
Matt Fox: 12:42
Yes, a very small dram. Thank you for that. That's a good pop Fresh crack.
Jamie Flanagan: 12:46
Yes, a very small dram. Thank you for that. Oh, that's a good one, fresh crack.
Matt Conte: 12:47
There's a cork.
Jamie Flanagan: 12:48
Fresh crack. It's a plastic. It's a plastic one.
August Gitschlag: 12:52
Send the glasses down here. Let's see what we got. We got our Glen Cairns here. We're going fancy with the white lightning. Well it's not white lightning, right, it's whiskey, because it went five seconds in a barrel.
Matt Fox: 13:06
Because they talk about the white dog. You know when they're distilling. You know vodka or bourbon or what have you? And we tasted a white dog.
August Gitschlag: 13:12
God, where were we In 2019 when Michael Vick's house yeah, right Now I'm pouring enough that we can try it like this, and then we can even put an ice cube in it and try it another way and if we want, to throw something else in it. But I do like the idea of having this Canadian whiskey here as a as a secondary.
Jamie Flanagan: 13:27
Do we want to try it? We want to chase her.
August Gitschlag: 13:28
It was just like, like what we want to taste line you know, yeah, that's fair. All right, so go on All right, so let's go into the oh boy From the write-up.
Matt Fox: 13:40
But on the BreakingBourboncom they're saying that you might get a little light corn, you might get some white peach. Maybe out of it you might get some grain.
August Gitschlag: 13:50
I am not getting that crisp apple, I'm getting moonshine.
Jamie Flanagan: 13:52
I'm getting grain. I'm getting grain and corn.
August Gitschlag: 13:53
I'm getting grain and alcohol.
Jamie Flanagan: 13:54
Grain and corn. Grain and a little corn.
Matt Fox: 13:56
I got the pepper.
Jamie Flanagan: 13:57
Not super sweet, but I don. August is diving in. There's the peppercorn Torpedoes.
August Gitschlag: 14:05
That is not the harshness I expected, nor the peach corn light malted barley that we talk about. It wasn't that either.
Matt Fox: 14:15
What about the second sip?
August Gitschlag: 14:18
It's all about the second sip. We've got to get back to it.
Matt Fox: 14:20
You can sell the first bottle, but what about the second, Matt? What do you think?
Matt Conte: 14:24
A little peppery. I got peppery right away, that's kind of what I get. Grassy I was getting grassy. Certainly no fruits, but I'm noticing.
Jamie Flanagan: 14:34
Like most boozes is a better second sip yeah well, boozes is, boozes is, most boozes is that's a word yeah sure I don't know if I would have called it pepper, but there's a spice a spice not not quite spicy spice, maybe a peppery spice maybe a spice.
August Gitschlag: 14:51
I got pepper on the first sip. The second sip was like oh, all right, it's kind of neutraled out a little bit in my face, not quite as harsh I still have the grassy end on it.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:00
You're getting yeah, I can get that getting the grassy knoll at all.
August Gitschlag: 15:03
I I'll bite.
Matt Fox: 15:04
I'll believe that Very good dirt on the grassy knoll yeah, because you're a dirty boy, Matt. Well, shut up, you don't know me? Yeah, you do.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:16
Yeah, I do, baby.
Matt Fox: 15:18
No, it's not. It's definitely drinkable, but it takes a hot second to get used to it.
August Gitschlag: 15:22
Send me those ice cubes, will you it, but it takes a hot second.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:26
It takes a second to get used to it, yeah.
Matt Conte: 15:27
It takes a second to get used to it because it's a profile.
Matt Fox: 15:30
It's a profile you're really not used to.
Matt Conte: 15:32
Matt Fox: 15:33
So it might take a hot second to warm up Wow.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:35
After like the third sip and the nose, I got mint Mint.
Matt Fox: 15:39
After the third sip that's the. That's the uh Labatt that you had earlier. That's what that is. I just smelled my microphone.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:48
No, I'm getting. The grass has shifted to more mint for me.
Matt Fox: 15:56
Did the ice do anything for you?
Jamie Flanagan: 15:58
You're opening it up with the ice.
August Gitschlag: 15:59
Yeah, it made it taste colder.
Jamie Flanagan: 16:01
That's about all it really did.
Matt Conte: 16:04
Okay, this is unique.
August Gitschlag: 16:05
I don't hate it. Uh, I don't love it it's. I think that's what they expect. You know, um, I don't think it's my new sipper yeah, I don't. I don't know if it's gonna be my, my house sipper, but it's something that I'll share.
Jamie Flanagan: 16:21
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a definitely one idea. Oh, I need that for my bar, you know just so people go. Oh, I mean, it's a great little bottle.
August Gitschlag: 16:29
It's a great story. It's a talker. This is a. They have to only be expecting to sell one bottle per person, per drinker. Well, except for him buying three to get the gift guy yeah right. I would absolutely gift this. I would not hesitate to give it. If I found this on the shelf for under $30, I would gift the hell out of this.
Jamie Flanagan: 16:48
Right, but not feel bad about it. Way before Lusty Claw. Is it Lusty or Rusty, I don't know. I like calling it Lusty Claw.
August Gitschlag: 16:57
The Claw. Well, I do have something else that I was gifted. Oh, my God, I have a little bit of glass space All right and then you got to tell me which one you like better. Oh, all right, oh, come on Okay.
Matt Fox: 17:09
What's in the bag. What's in the bag. What's in the bag.
August Gitschlag: 17:15
Comes from my cousin in Chicago. Okay.
Matt Conte: 17:18
Oh, I have a feeling what this?
Matt Fox: 17:20
might be.
August Gitschlag: 17:20
In the city, jepson's, jepson's bourbon Is that bottled?
Matt Fox: 17:26
in Bond too. It's not Malort, it's not Malort.
August Gitschlag: 17:28
It's not Malort, it's their company. Fuck your cousin. It's not Malort.
Matt Conte: 17:32
Wow, it's just bourbon. I'm using bad words, it's not Malort.
August Gitschlag: 17:36
It's not Malort, it's Jepson's bourbon and you haven.
Jamie Flanagan: 17:39
I have not. You haven't wheeled off that twist.
Matt Fox: 17:43
It's a hundred proof. Is it a bottled in bond or is it just a hundred proof?
Jamie Flanagan: 17:49
I think it's bottled in Chicago and nothing is bonded in Chicago.
Matt Conte: 17:52
Yeah, it's bonded five times.
August Gitschlag: 17:55
It's been bonded out five times. Blend of straight bourbon whiskeys, all right.
Jamie Flanagan: 18:00
It's a blend.
August Gitschlag: 18:02
It's a blend. It's a blend Aged a minimum of four years. See, and you are a fan.
Matt Fox: 18:07
August. You are a fan of blended whiskey, so your cousin in Chicago. They chose wisely.
August Gitschlag: 18:14
Well, a couple years ago they got me the Malort Christmas package and I loved it because I have my. Malort holiday ornament now.
Jamie Flanagan: 18:21
I drink Malort, not even out of there, every time I'm in.
August Gitschlag: 18:23
Chicago. I've got to make sure I have one in city proper you know, here I am. Like I. Like I said, all my friends have all these crazy recipes. I'm like, look, I'll fuck with it. Yeah, I did a Malort margarita at the elephant room Once, took a picture of it. It actually tasted really good. When you it right, yeah, then you get rid of the bitter, you just get the grapefruit comes out. There's grapefruit and malort. Yes, I got the grapefruit.
Matt Conte: 18:52
Rind is kind of like the the back, yeah, the back end of it, yeah and uh and I it made jepson's instagram, oh, good lord, yeah, all right. I think usually my chaser is so quick to follow that malort, I wouldn't yeah, I don't know jepson's bourbon oh my goodness well, and what was the uh?
Matt Fox: 19:06
was there a third bottle?
August Gitschlag: 19:08
no, this is it all right. This is it no more secrets all right.
Matt Fox: 19:11
Good, I don't know which one to go for. Here I'm loaded up. I don't know which way I'm going well drinking the.
August Gitschlag: 19:19
Having that sip of the canadian club after the pbr does remind you what whiskey is supposed to taste like. The PBR is just now. To me, it's a spirit. It doesn't have any whisky-ness to it. I just lost the top to the Jepson, so we've got to drink it all now.
Jamie Flanagan: 19:34
Oh shit, Should I get some more? Don't threaten me with a good time.
Matt Conte: 19:39
I agree with you on that one.
August Gitschlag: 19:42
It just reminds you that this is what whiskey tastes like and that's Canadian Club. It's not like we're going to the Eagle Rare or something. So, yeah, I'll absolutely gift a bottle of this PBR, but I have a feeling it's going to last me a year or two. Yeah, it'll be around for a while.
Matt Fox: 20:00
It'll be around for a little while, which is good.
August Gitschlag: 20:02
It's fine you always have a story to tell. I said Jepson's out loud.
Matt Fox: 20:06
No, because I did a little bit of the PBR and then I chased it with the Canadian club.
August Gitschlag: 20:12
I wouldn't be afraid of this. This is going to be fine. This is going to be fine.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:17
All right the things you do to us, august. Oh, this is why you brought me around Pretty much. I'm August. Oh, this is why you brought me around Pretty much. I'm so excited. Actually, I'm playing with it.
Matt Fox: 20:29
That actually smells really nice.
Matt Conte: 20:31
It is something, though, to try something for the first time. You can only do that so many times. There's a lot of great bourbon out there. It's always nice to try something.
August Gitschlag: 20:39
By out there you mean right inside that door.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:44
See now, this has a nice smell.
Matt Fox: 20:46
This has a bourbon whiskey smell. This has got like a raspberry Sweet. Pull it. I got like raspberry right off the nose.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:53
I almost need a water to clean this up.
August Gitschlag: 20:56
I didn't bother to look this one up, or anything I don't know.
Matt Conte: 21:01
Okay, let's see. I wonder what. Usually, I don't know what I'm supposed to taste until I read the reviews on it.
August Gitschlag: 21:07
oh yeah, we're the same way yeah, honestly, these guys are better at it. Their palates have gotten better at it over the years. Where mine has gone more burn the taste buds off. So I just I just kind of like if I like it, I like it.
Matt Conte: 21:18
If I don't, I don't but I have a hard time describing it. Yeah I can't until you tell me I'm tasting, you know ginger and prune.
August Gitschlag: 21:25
I'm like, okay, all right, fine, I'll buy that dry dark fruit yes, all right.
Matt Fox: 21:32
So I'm just gonna pull up something here on jepson's real quick. The nose is a very nice nose. It's got a nice nose on it's actually.
Jamie Flanagan: 21:38
Uh, I'm trying to kind of liking it I just had to take some water. Take some water to try to clear out the other shenanigans, I hate to say it.
Matt Conte: 21:46
Dried fruits, maybe dark fruits, this is pretty good.
Matt Fox: 21:50
Bourbonculturecom is where I'm at right now.
Jamie Flanagan: 21:55
Oh, okay that more slides across the room.
August Gitschlag: 21:57
This is better than the Canadian Club.
Jamie Flanagan: 21:58
Matt Fox: 21:59
I all agree with that Much, much.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:00
Matt Fox: 22:06
They're talking about sweet vanilla pudding or some of that caramel feel that you get from most bourbons uh out there. But they're also talking about, like a baking spice flavor. On this, on the yeah, there's a spicy, spicy things happening there's a dancing on my tongue a little bit try to see if there's a mash bill in here lino, richie, it's uh dancing on the ceiling of my mouth.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:25
Stop dancing up there.
Matt Fox: 22:26
What a feeling. No mash bill.
August Gitschlag: 22:30
Yeah, cinnamon baking spices, what they talk about, vanilla, brown sugar, classic, bourbon nose. If not generic, I'll buy that. Yep, yep, yep, I'd agree it's got a nice bourbon. I don't know, I think that goes so far as a sweet vanilla pudding and caramel. I'm not gonna go that. Yeah, like that kind of vanilla.
Matt Fox: 22:50
Yeah, so you shouldn't have had a guest, there was always madagascar with me. There is a creamy feel to it, though, on uh, on the uh when you got, when I first sip it so I got.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:56
A lot of times I'll say, oh, it's kind of creamy, it's kind of buttery. I'm not. I, I got a hint. It's, there's a hint. I got it on the top of my top of my palate yes, it's not, it's not, it's not for me, it's not out there, but there's just a hint of of the creaminess I'm, and I think, like I said when I said, oh, that rolled across the roof of my mouth. That's that, was that, was that yeah, okay, are you okay?
Jamie Flanagan: 23:17
that's fair and then the finish is a little spicy not spicy, but there's a little spice in the finish I I'm really the price point.
August Gitschlag: 23:25
That's a nice blend. This is a $30 bottle.
Jamie Flanagan: 23:29
So many bottles are like 50, 60 plus now and we've tasted some of them.
August Gitschlag: 23:35
We've been gifted some of that stuff by some friends and yeah, they're great, but I can't drop $65 a bottle for whiskey.
Jamie Flanagan: 23:42
When you're blasting through two a week.
August Gitschlag: 23:43
Well, hey maybe soon once I move back to hamtramck and move in with katherine. Yes, I might be blasting through two bottles a week, but I'll see you on zoom august my phone's gonna blow up now, but uh, no, no, no I I usually I keep one, like I had a bottle of bookers that was around the house for probably four years oh, okay that was, like you know, have a sip if it was a good enough day or a bad enough day, all right One of those kind of deals.
August Gitschlag: 24:07
Oh yeah, I have a bottle of Basil Hayden 2x2 rye that I've not opened yet. It's still sitting there when we do the all rye, all rye, all rye episode where we do some tasting rye one absolutely okay I got a plethora of whiskeys for my 50th birthday as well.
Jamie Flanagan: 24:27
Uh, that was eight years ago, uh, and I still have two, two bottles that have like they're down. You know, um, I've nursed them because they're like they were nice bottles.
August Gitschlag: 24:35
One was like a jameson 27 years jameson gold about 15 years ago was around for about 80 bucks a bottle and if you ever had it, you'll never drink jameson again, right, oh, and you can't find it now. It's 300 400 bucks, if someone has it it's a perfect blended whiskey.
Matt Conte: 24:51
It's perfect I've never seen it.
August Gitschlag: 24:52
Yeah, jameson gave it as wedding presents for like two years in a row to anyone who got married. I'm like you're gonna love this, you love this, and they're like I don't drink burp. Oh wow, hey, oh, hey thank you for that, yeah I still have a bottle of Absinthe I've been saving.
Matt Conte: 25:05
I remember buying this bottle probably 20 years ago. It's a Czech Republic. I had a summer 20 years ago. I bought this bottle home.
August Gitschlag: 25:14
Matt travels, he gets around.
Matt Conte: 25:16
I had no job, I went to the Czech.
August Gitschlag: 25:19
Matt Conte: 25:21
When the Lions win the Super Bowl.
August Gitschlag: 25:23
I'm going to open this bottle.
Matt Fox: 25:24
How close were we? Oh, you know.
Matt Conte: 25:27
That would have been. I would have brought that one as my.
August Gitschlag: 25:30
Oh no, it's a Czech Republic absence. We'd have to burn the sugar cube and do the whole thing. The whole shebang we got to go get the whole. You know we can't just put sugar cubes on toothpicks. We got to and cook it all up and do the whole thing. Yeah, set fire to it. Yes, there's a whole routine. For briefly, for a little while they were doing it at the belmont, they were lighting the 100 proof, 120 proof absinthe on fire over the sugar cube and having the cube melt.
August Gitschlag: 25:55
They were doing it there, like that all they were doing was hurting themselves. Right, they're literally burning their fingers and hands and stuff, but but it was fun to watch. Opa and for a while at Baker's Streetcar Bar they were doing. What's the one where you drank it out of the straw when it was on fire Flaming Dr Peppers?
Jamie Flanagan: 26:14
They would do those. They would smack the bar and it would spill and they'd set it all on fire and the bar would catch fire. That burns the alcohol. I was doing those at Luna, for goodness sakes. Now you're just drinking a Dr Pepper.
August Gitschlag: 26:25
I drove by the husk of that place, the other day.
Jamie Flanagan: 26:32
We got a Luna reunion coming up though A lot of places have come and gone.
Matt Fox: 26:36
Where at Jamie.
August Gitschlag: 26:37
No one will remember me from Luna anyway. I spent too much time leaning on the Volkswagen bug in the back just watching all the weirdos.
Matt Conte: 26:44
By Luna do you mean the groove room?
August Gitschlag: 26:45
Matt Conte: 26:49
We're all dating each other now.
Jamie Flanagan: 26:51
Machine Gun Kelly's. Oh boy, it was before that it was called Machine Gun Kelly's, before that Before 3D. Yeah, bands used to play there. It was like Toby Red would play there.
Matt Conte: 27:05
Wow, I learned something new. I had no idea.
Jamie Flanagan: 27:07
That's why on the back, door there was a gangster with a machine gun that was left over from Machine.
Matt Conte: 27:13
Gun Killers? No way. What's there now?
August Gitschlag: 27:17
It's nothing. It's a husk of an empty he probably sold off the liquor license.
Jamie Flanagan: 27:21
Tom owns just a crap ton of stuff downtown Ferndale, soho and that 215 West next to it.
August Gitschlag: 27:29
Oh yeah, that place is a great room.
Jamie Flanagan: 27:30
I've had events there. It's lovely. So that's where we've done the Luna 3D reunions. There's another one coming up that Darren Revell and I are going to DJ. It's coming up.
Matt Conte: 27:41
May, april, may Of Big Sonic, heaven Yep. Oh my gosh, that's his Sherman. This is Jamie Flanagan. Check the Wayback 3 DVD. Yeah, no way.
Matt Fox: 27:51
Yeah yeah, is that the 89X?
August Gitschlag: 27:55
These guys DJed so many nights at Lipsticks 2. You wouldn't believe it, awesome.
Matt Fox: 28:00
I was 19 years old hanging out in that joint, really and 19 years old hanging out in that joint Really and just cowering in the corner of the DJ booth watching this guy over here and Tool do their thing, I met these guys, because we had Gnyp do either a tracksuit or a Magnum.
August Gitschlag: 28:14
It had to be a tracksuit party.
Matt Fox: 28:15
I think it was a Magnum party.
August Gitschlag: 28:16
And he called you guys. He goes but my friends Matt and Jamie are going to be there before me. Is that cool? I'm like okay and so Like okay, and then so they set up the equipment and that's how they met. They came in to DJ the party. That's how I first met them. Wow, yeah.
Matt Conte: 28:28
Through Greg. So that's going back 30 plus.
August Gitschlag: 28:30
No, no, no, no, we were on tracksuit.
Matt Conte: 28:34
Oh, tracksuit, it would be, 13. 13, okay.
August Gitschlag: 28:37
If we didn't miss two from COVID, it would be 13 for tracksuit 10 or 9?, 10 or 11.
Matt Conte: 28:43
The Big Sonic Heavens. Those were back in the 90s.
August Gitschlag: 28:47
There was also State Theater on Saturday nights, that was.
Jamie Flanagan: 28:52
Darren Revell and Gnyp, Matt was spinning Club X, maybe like one or two tracks. Have a Nice Day.
August Gitschlag: 29:00
Cafe in Pontiac.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:03
When it was.
August Gitschlag: 29:04
Have a Nice Day. My buddy, mike sanchez, dj'd it with Gnyp and Gnyp was the radio personality yep I got a whole book of pictures of just boobs and Gnyp. Yeah, just like boobs and Gnyp.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:13
I love it it was great that'd be a great coffee table book. That's exactly why I knew that at the time.
August Gitschlag: 29:20
so when I had the cameras put, when I had the film developed, they had to put in the album automatically. Oh, nice, nice, and it's a flip through. It's a flip album. Oh, that's good.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:26
I have like four of them you gotta take that to like Snapfish or whatever and turn it into a nice hardcover coffee table book. Oh, boy.
Matt Conte: 29:32
That's not a good idea.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:34
Boobs and Gnip.
August Gitschlag: 29:44
I'll take it. I'll take it smiling. How do we get?
Jamie Flanagan: 29:46
to boobs. How do we get to? He said it Wear boobs.
August Gitschlag: 29:52
Because wear boobs. That's what happens after three shots of whiskey.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:56
You know I retract my F you to you and your cousin.
August Gitschlag: 30:00
Yeah, you get that. John's listening too. You prick. I apologize, many, many apologies. That was nice you could leave that here in the studio. Yeah, you get that, john's listening to you and and so, yeah, I'm glad I apologize. Yes, many, many apologies.
Jamie Flanagan: 30:07
That was nice. You could leave that here in the studio and I would not be mad.
August Gitschlag: 30:12
No, I'm teasing it's one less bottle.
Matt Conte: 30:13
I gotta move to antramic how do you guys, how do you guys determine what is a mixable bourbon or or tequila, etc. Versus a non? Is it a price point? Is it a? I like this one this much more.
Matt Fox: 30:32
Honestly, it's a preference.
August Gitschlag: 30:35
We've had liquor reps come in here like so how should we drink your booze in any way you want to?
Jamie Flanagan: 30:40
consume it, just keep buying it.
August Gitschlag: 30:43
The only one that I have a solid preference in is I will not sip a clear tequila.
Jamie Flanagan: 30:49
I think it tastes like crap.
August Gitschlag: 30:50
It's always a mixer. For me it's always margaritas. It's always something the darker the better.
Jamie Flanagan: 30:55
Same thing with light rums.
August Gitschlag: 30:57
The darker the rum. That's the sippables. As we get older, we're getting more sipping things and mixing it with Coke or Shasta.
Matt Conte: 31:05
I think we got some Shasta over there, diet Shasta, which I felt appropriate for the PBR whiskey.
August Gitschlag: 31:11
I didn't even know there was Malort stuff coming in. Jesus, Marian Joseph.
Matt Conte: 31:18
I will say not as harsh as I thought.
August Gitschlag: 31:19
Well, I don't have a lid for it, so you can't.
Matt Fox: 31:22
Let me answer your question another way. So yes, price point. Yeah, if you really want to mix your Eagle Rare and make it into a Manhattan does it make the? Manhattan or the old fashioned, that much better. Yes, yeah.
Matt Conte: 31:37
Does it? You think? Yeah, I had a friend who was missing, eagle rare with lemonade.
Jamie Flanagan: 31:42
Yeah, yeah.
August Gitschlag: 31:42
And making it their little summer cocktail.
Matt Conte: 31:44
I do I love those, I get it Long Island, long Island iced tea with all premium alcohol.
Matt Fox: 31:49
Well, that's just a hundred dollar drink.
Jamie Flanagan: 31:54
First of all, you're just a garbage human for ordering a Long Island iced tea. Sure garbage, human, that's a classic. Yeah, you're sitting there shaking it up Tips tips, tips. Can I get a?
August Gitschlag: 32:00
Strong Island. How about you suck my ass? Strong Island, strong Island.
Jamie Flanagan: 32:07
Can you put a little blue?
August Gitschlag: 32:09
carousel on that. I'm like what. I was not at the fraternity when you invented that drink. I don't know what that's called the purple motorcycle. All you do is put blue carousel on it, shut up we did, we did, we did one of those did, I do that, I did that.
Matt Fox: 32:24
Oh shit that was always.
Matt Conte: 32:26
You did that on purpose um no, I was.
Jamie Flanagan: 32:29
I did a second pour I'm mad at myself.
Matt Conte: 32:31
I'm kidding it is always a question. I've got Sure, you spend $80 on something and someone walks in. Oh yeah.
August Gitschlag: 32:38
Puts it in ginger ale and it makes your head Red Bull. Yeah, that's a personal People get hooked.
Jamie Flanagan: 32:44
And here comes the hypnotist. You know, they don't know. Hello.
Matt Fox: 32:49
But yeah, to answer your question, it's a preference.
August Gitschlag: 32:57
And if I want to mix what I buy into something else, that's on me, yep, that's how I want, and I would hope my friends would have enough class to not grab that hundred dollar bottle of bookers and put it in diet coke not yours. I don't have any friends that are like.
Matt Fox: 33:03
That's all my friends are like I'm just talking about your bottles, not your friend.
August Gitschlag: 33:08
No, but your bottle. No one's going to walk into my house and I'm not going to walk into your house and put Eagle rare and I might put it in a splash of ginger, I might do that, but I'm not going to make a, you know, a captain Coke out of your you know high end rum. You know, give me something, Glenn with Red Bull. Yeah right, I had a buddy who drank a Red Bull and scotch.
Matt Fox: 33:25
That was his drink for years scotch was he was he a very hairy person no, he's actually a prominent public official whose name is still in the news and I'm like what?
August Gitschlag: 33:35
all right then yes, because you know, yes, he's a dear friend, but I'm only going to call him out on his awful choice of just saying scotch and ginger, but what was the? Ginger. What was it? What was the scotch that's?
Jamie Flanagan: 33:45
every bar has like a white label louders oh, doers, doers doers and doers and red bull, that's doers and really doers, and red bull chimney crickets, I'm gonna Dewars, dewars and Red Bull. Dewars and Red Bull. Dewars and Red Bull, jiminy Crickets. I'm going to text them right now and tell them we're talking shit about them too. Oh my goodness, dewars and Red Bull. Scotch I just bad decisions. Scotch, I do scotch, and just it's bad decisions.
August Gitschlag: 34:06
I cannot handle it. It doesn't taste good to me. I don't enjoy it. Well, it's just leather and I had a bad Christmas day when I thought I was going to be cool and drink half a bottle of Glenn Fittich Because I was going to be suddenly classy.
Matt Conte: 34:20
Half of one of these bottles, oh yeah.
August Gitschlag: 34:22
And I was projectile vomiting down the hallway. I had to be 22 years old. Oh, yeah, and I remember my buddies and my dad picking me up and dragging me into the bathroom on Christmas Day at midnight.
Matt Fox: 34:36
Merry Christmas.
August Gitschlag: 34:36
Dad, I can tell you exactly what year it was. It was the year that Gladiator came out on DVD, because we were all watching while I was slugging down Glendale.
Matt Conte: 34:42
Do you like Gladiator movies?
August Gitschlag: 34:43
All right Anyway. Ever seen A Grown man Naked? Look at Matt Fox going back in for the Jepsen he went big.
Matt Fox: 34:48
Yes, I went big on the Jepson. This is nice. Yeah, it's good, it is a solid blend.
August Gitschlag: 34:53
I'd put this with any other blended whiskey.
Jamie Flanagan: 34:56
Is this available in Michigan?
August Gitschlag: 34:58
No, I don't know. I don't know. Yes, it should be.
Jamie Flanagan: 35:00
Check that, Laura.
Matt Fox: 35:01
You're a huge fan. You don't mind blended whiskeys.
August Gitschlag: 35:10
No, i's, it's nothing. You know you don't have any open. Yeah, nothing pretentious about it. It ain't cheap, still 40, some dollar bottle, but it's just, it's always the same, sure, and it's always the same that I like. So maybe you know, like maker's mark is my friend's house, that's what they all they drink, you know that's the one they like. If they don't like buffalo trace, ah, it tastes a little weird to me. They they have their one, right, but to me the blended whiskeys are always the same.
Matt Fox: 35:43
I've been coming around to the blended whiskeys and trying them more often because I I just really enjoy an eagle rare or I enjoy a maker and I think the bourbon community is sick of that.
August Gitschlag: 35:53
They don't want that because that means we stop buying their, their niche shit. You know they're aged in, you know uh so much, yeah, that pam anderson sat on for 20 minutes. You know that kind of stuff sailed around the world, so it's right, right jefferson's ocean shit.
Matt Fox: 36:08
Now they're different, scams just I'm just hopping in here, I'm coming in I just read yesterday that bourbon sales are down 40% in the last year.
August Gitschlag: 36:20
Yep, yep. Which is weird that was hitting everybody's Google News. Anybody who drinks, and that's your algorithm.
Matt Conte: 36:24
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that hit us all. Yeah, I wonder what rum sales have been in that same time frame.
Jamie Flanagan: 36:29
So yeah.
August Gitschlag: 36:35
You know same time frame, so yeah, you know, tequila or everyone's well flavored vodkas took over the world for a while, right, and everyone thought the flavored rums were but picardi pushed too hard, I think, and it didn't quite, didn't quite yeah, what's the next day? They got up too close to the sun and that one melted, yeah, um thanks anchors.
August Gitschlag: 36:46
Yeah, thanks, and you like that reference? Okay, I do. I read, uh, the you know percy jackson books. I get it. I my Greek myth. What am I a teenager over here I read it with my 12-year-old cousin or nephew. What, yeah, you're not wrong. But yeah, I think that rum is now. Also, michigan was such a desert of available booze 20 years ago. Really you could not get the stuff here. Now there's distributors that are you had to to have the three-tier, whatever some tier system.
August Gitschlag: 37:16
You had to have someone willing to pay to bring it here and then sell it.
Matt Conte: 37:19
Did you learn more about that working at the bar? I would never have known that we were a desert.
August Gitschlag: 37:26
I thought, oh, we're talking 20, 25 years ago. Now there's still certain rums that if no one wants to bring it to Michigan, you can't get it here.
Matt Fox: 37:33
Now there's still certain rums that if no one wants to bring it to Michigan, you can't get it here and I'll pick it up in Chicago and I'll bring it to my buddies at Toko Roro Because it's not allocated over here On the Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Jamie Flanagan: 37:41
the website Jepson is not available in Michigan.
August Gitschlag: 37:45
This is on the shelf at Total Wine, though they had the bourbon barrel aged Malort. I thought they had the regular bourbon barrel bourbon, but maybe not the bourbon barrel aged malort it's only malort and these four-year-old barrels is good. It's a red label. It's a whole different taste. We'll do it at eastern palace club. Don't shake your head at me, motherfucker, you're not gonna hate it 80 proof uh on that one yeah, yep, yep, yep.
Jamie Flanagan: 38:09
lucy's there holding the football. No, come on, it'll be good.
August Gitschlag: 38:12
Barrel-aged Malort is a different world. Try the.
Jamie Flanagan: 38:15
Malort, it'll be great.
August Gitschlag: 38:17
Now we're going to use the Palace Club just to get one of these.
Jamie Flanagan: 38:20
And then you're going to move that football and then we don't make the Super Bowl. Thank you very much. It's all your fault.
Matt Conte: 38:26
All right fine, I'll take the heat. What a great venue that was, though, for your uh party.
August Gitschlag: 38:32
Oh, yeah, yeah, I'll tell you everywhere I go now people are asking about that party and it's still being talked about and I'm so proud of what, uh, my girlfriend katherine and what jimmy put together it was so impromptu, it was wonderful and it's like the people, because we um well, no, no, no no cat prompt plan the hell.
Jamie Flanagan: 38:48
No, no, no, no, no like, like, how like we got all the guys, we, we, we did that dick in the box.
August Gitschlag: 38:54
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 38:55
They're like four or five people that had like dick in the box and we got up and we played the video and then we were all up there dancing to it.
Matt Fox: 39:01
The blues brothers played that and they jumped up, they danced to it and the Chippendales came up. The Chippendales.
August Gitschlag: 39:13
So that was all impromptu, that was just like, really, and it was like, yeah, no, yeah, my buddy dancing to staying alive as a very good talk show.
Jamie Flanagan: 39:17
That was all impromptu, yeah yeah. So people plan their out. We knew about it, we knew it was coming. For a while everybody planned their outfits, but as things unfolded that night, there was a lot of impromptu fun. I I told people that that was like the most fun I've had at a a party, and i't know how long.
August Gitschlag: 39:33
And you still had the actual Dick in the Box, shiny suit from 1998. See Jamie planned ahead on that 2002, whenever Justin Timberlake was on, he had that sheen on the suit. We had this discussion, Now wait.
Jamie Flanagan: 39:49
That's just what I wear.
Matt Fox: 39:50
Because Jamie's box was actually pretty big right. So he's standing behind the DJ area and he kept bumping up against the table.
Jamie Flanagan: 39:57
I don't think I think this through because I couldn't DJ, because I had this box keeping me away from the DJ console.
Matt Fox: 40:02
I just take off the box and next thing you know he's.
Matt Conte: 40:05
Did you see inside the box, what is love, did you see? No, I didn't want to look.
August Gitschlag: 40:13
He took the lid off the box and what was in there? A picture of your ass. I had a picture of August.
Jamie Flanagan: 40:16
I wanted to get a big dildo.
August Gitschlag: 40:18
I'm glad you didn't. My parents were there.
Jamie Flanagan: 40:21
I was going to get a big, raunchy dildo. And then I was like, oh wait, I just want you to go to the store and buy a big raunchy dildo and then give it to your wife the next day.
Matt Fox: 40:34
Good night everybody. What are you going to do?
August Gitschlag: 40:36
Put it on top of the fridge. What are you going to?
Matt Conte: 40:38
do with it. Hold the kids report card.
Jamie Flanagan: 40:40
All right, because I got a stainless steel fridge, so you need suction. That's it, good idea.
Matt Fox: 40:50
You can only have a stain on the fridge, then you could hang an apron from it. It's got that circular stain, I think we're onto something here.
August Gitschlag: 40:56
It was from an old magnet oh, Jiminy Crickets.
Matt Fox: 41:01
Where did this conversation go In the awesome direction.
Jamie Flanagan: 41:05
Something with the Jepsons ended up on the table. Well, this party, things went sideways.
August Gitschlag: 41:09
This Just a Taste is born of my birthday party. Matt gifted me this awesome bottle and that's why we're here tonight.
Jamie Flanagan: 41:16
Was this also? The Jepson was also a birthday. That came later.
August Gitschlag: 41:18
It came out a week later for my cousin, when he came up at Christmas. He goes happy birthday. I'm like oh, thank you, Nice, no, no.
Matt Fox: 41:24
Thank you for bringing this in and thank you, Matt, for gifting such a wonderful bottle to.
Matt Conte: 41:28
August. Yeah, I think August should have an annual birthday party at Eastern Palace Club.
August Gitschlag: 41:37
Maybe not as extravagant, but don't threaten me with a good time.
Jamie Flanagan: 41:39
Matt, they call those Tuesdays.
Matt Fox: 41:44
And or.
August Gitschlag: 41:44
Mondays, the fact that it fell on a Saturday this year was pretty great. It'll be a Sunday next year. Maybe we'll just do day drinking, you know around. Eastern Palace Club man was this is good stuff yeah I, I jumped some fun.
Jamie Flanagan: 42:00
I, I take it all. I take all my harsh words back I'm glad I brought this back.
August Gitschlag: 42:03
I brought this. We don't swear much on the on the show you started it, you dropped an f-bomb in the first five minutes. I just I got. That's unlike you unlike you, your professional d, professional DJ demeanor. You can never go back to terrestrial radio. You can never go back to terrestrial radio now because you're just going to be foul-mouthed, jamie Flanagan.
Matt Fox: 42:23
Can you say that five times faster?
August Gitschlag: 42:25
Terrestrial radio terrestrial radio terrestrial, radio terrestrial radio.
Jamie Flanagan: 42:29
August Gitschlag: 42:29
Matt Conte: 42:30
Flanagan foul-mouthed Jamie Flanagan.
Matt Fox: 42:35
No, I can't. I got the three and I stopped myself. Gentlemen, happy Monday.
August Gitschlag: 42:38
Yeah, happy Monday. Back in the studio, back in our spot. What do we got coming up?
Matt Fox: 42:42
Next Monday we have Miss Vino's coming in, Miss Vino.
Jamie Flanagan: 42:46
It's, our it's. Oh, that's usually my response.
August Gitschlag: 42:53
Jamie Flanagan: 42:53
Day. Talking about Valentine's Day's day. Um so valentine's day, right, you get, it's like restaurants are like overbooked, overpriced. It's ridiculous. So we're going to talk about what is a fair now and we'll talk. I'm going to be house poor, so I ain't doing squat. Well so, but that's the thing, right? So sometimes people traveling sometimes, sometimes people have a partner that really are into those sorts of things.
Matt Conte: 43:14
Oh, yeah, I have sweetest, day.
August Gitschlag: 43:16
And you got to get mad if you don't drop that card in October.
Jamie Flanagan: 43:20
You got to oh, here's the thing, right, so I've been married for 15 years, right, so it's like it's my anniversary. I get up in the morning, we'll go out, we're drinking coffee and I'll be. Hey, let's go to Eddie V's, let's go to Ocean Prime have dinner tonight. She's like why the hell would we do that? And I'm like, well, it's our anniversary. Those are kind of people around. They're pricey restaurants, right? She's like why the hell would we do that? It's our anniversary. She's like, is it? I didn't get you.
August Gitschlag: 43:47
You're the reverse of what usually is going on.
Jamie Flanagan: 43:49
I didn't get you a card. I'm like, okay, cool, Perfect, and I'm like we could just order pizza or something too. So she is so anti-Swedish Day. Forget about it, because that's total Hallmark holiday. That's a Michigan Hallmark holiday.
August Gitschlag: 44:02
Michigan, ohio, new York. That's like a sandwich chocolate. The candy industry yeah, it was a candy industry out of Chicago.
Jamie Flanagan: 44:09
Morley's one of those? Yeah, exactly Morley's. Or Sanders, one of the two. I've invented that one I've dated both.
August Gitschlag: 44:14
I've dated a. I can't believe you didn't know. It was Sweetest Day, you asshole. And what is this card for you, idiot?
Jamie Flanagan: 44:20
I'm talking about wedding anniversary.
August Gitschlag: 44:21
I've dated both I'm talking about.
Jamie Flanagan: 44:22
Sweetest Day. Yeah, I've dated both, so yeah, so forget, smoke show too, and so it's like I'm one of the luckiest dudes on the planet. It's like she just does not.
Matt Fox: 44:34
My hand is up. Yeah. What is sweetest day? It's uh.
Jamie Flanagan: 44:38
Ask your partner, yeah he'll know, touche it's, uh, uh.
August Gitschlag: 44:47
Well, matt it's not that there's anything wrong with that, unless you're in the military right now manufactured holiday, I guess what is the economy so swedish day was actually invented by the candy and sweets industry. I believe it came out of either cleveland or chicago. Chicago had a big candy industry right and that's where it came from. Yeah, so it's in october where it's like well, we're gonna clean all that up next week with miss vino.
Matt Fox: 45:11
We'll do a little fact checking.
Jamie Flanagan: 45:12
I was being sarcastic, but we're gonna talk about alternatives like, if you to not going out because it's so ridiculous on those on those holidays, um, it is there a good alternative to do at home? Uh, you know, I I owe you. Here's a coupon for a massage.
August Gitschlag: 45:30
Massage is a mind relationship, but okay.
Matt Conte: 45:34
It's interesting what people prioritize. I think to us, punjiki Day is probably a more romantic day.
August Gitschlag: 45:44
Well, that's why I'm going to try to do dry February just because of the high holy days of drunken obligation that show up in March.
Jamie Flanagan: 45:51
That's Hamtramck. Holy days of obligation. Pun I just he run is March 1st.
August Gitschlag: 45:56
Day is March 4th, then you have the parade day, then you have. St Patrick's day. I got it. Then you got opening day Like at the first week of April. All the the you know your liver is a screen door. Holidays, come take it easy in February. It's the shortest month too, Some not quite alcohol tastings maybe we did a dry January episode and all I did was put vodka in all of it. It sucked, it sucked. We did, we tried to do, we did mocktails, idiots, he did?
Jamie Flanagan: 46:30
He pulled it. We didn't want it.
August Gitschlag: 46:31
Jamie Flanagan: 46:31
I had all this booze.
August Gitschlag: 46:32
He brought a tequila, a vodka and a rum. I was going to pull up tequila Like what I was going to make better with tequila and it was like we've kind of defeated it.
Jamie Flanagan: 46:39
I made it. I made it, but for dry January. I made it all the way to noon on the first. So oh shoot it's.
August Gitschlag: 46:57
January Made it to noon. My goal in February is to do just 10 days.
Jamie Flanagan: 47:03
Yeah, in a row.
August Gitschlag: 47:05
Yeah, a 10 day If. I can string 10 days.
Jamie Flanagan: 47:08
And then I'm going to make a doctor's appointment right after that. So I can have my blood drawn, so I don't look like I'm in fatty liver. Fatty liver, you're 59. I know looking into a mirror, I'm right there with you, all right, but uh, yeah, so uh, valentine's special coming up with miss vino she's fun, she's a cool crap. Ton of fun. She's fun. So so yeah. So how to do that at home, if allowed Like subscribe. Oh, leave a comment.
Matt Fox: 47:40
August Gitschlag: 47:40
Matt Conte, thank you for joining us today.
Jamie Flanagan: 47:42
Matthew, thank you.
August Gitschlag: 47:44
Thanks for the pour.
Jamie Flanagan: 47:46
That was a good call.
Matt Conte: 47:48
That bottle will probably be in August, should we?
August Gitschlag: 47:51
have Matt back on again sometime. Oh the Magic.
Jamie Flanagan: 47:54
Disco 8-Ball here comes your fate buddy. Here it is, that bottle will be there for August 75th Magic Disco 8-Ball.
August Gitschlag: 48:02
No chance, go dance.
Matt Conte: 48:04
Hey, it was nice Nice having you buddy.
Jamie Flanagan: 48:10
I like that, regardless of what the Magic Disco 8-Bos says you can come back, apollos can suck it. All the podcast things in all the podcast places. Right, yeah, that's Matt Fox over there, that's August Gitschlag. I'm still Jamie Flanagan and gentlemen, cheers, cheers, fellas.
August Gitschlag: 48:30
Still got a little bit of that PBR left.
Jamie Flanagan: 48:33
August Gitschlag: 48:34
Cheers guys. Good night everyone, thank you.