Man Cave Happy Hour
Welcome to Man Cave Happy Hour – Whiskey, Spirits, and the stories that go along with them.
Join Jamie, Matt, and August as they take you on a spirited journey through the world of fine drinks and fascinating conversations. Broadcasting live from top lounges, distilleries, and happy hours, they explore the best new spirits, uncover hidden gems, and dive into the stories behind the bottles.
From master distillers and cocktail experts to bartenders, foodies, and entrepreneurs, every episode is a toast to craftsmanship, creativity, and the love of a great drink. Whether you're a whiskey connoisseur or just love a good cocktail, pull up a chair, pour a glass, and enjoy the ride.
Produced at the Podcast Your Voice Studios
Man Cave Happy Hour
Mixing Memories with Mocktail Magic
Have you ever tried to open a bottle and felt like you were battling a stubborn dragon? Join your favorite hosts Jamie Flanagan, August Gitschlag, and Matt Fox on a hilarious journey through the world of mocktails, as we recall the thrilling escapades of real-life action heroes from a past episode.
Get ready for a cocktail of nostalgia as we mix classic movie memories with the art of drink making. We tackle everything from the intricacies of balancing flavors in a unique old-fashioned mocktail to the monumental task of opening those pesky bottles. Along the way, we sprinkle in personal anecdotes, like a tech glitch that turned into a Luxardo cherry debate and a dentist visit that morphed into a fluoride discussion. All this while contemplating whether the latest mocktails could fool even the most discerning cocktail connoisseur.
Marvel at the transformation of the classic Shirley Temple into a "Dirty Shirley," and join us as we share our fondness for ready-to-drink options like the On the Rocks brand—perfect for those who love a well-mixed drink without all the effort. With plenty of laughs and a nod to community spirit, this episode promises a fun ride through the whimsical world of mocktails and everyday mishaps.
Both sweet and tart in flavor, this drink will be your new super-simple go-to. It requires only two ingredients and will give you the illusion of eating an energizing acai bowl, except here you’re drinking it!
¼ pint fresh blackberries
8 ounces ginger ale
Set aside 4 berries for garnish. Force the rest through a sieve to remove the seeds in order to end with ¼ cup of berry puree. Pour the ginger ale evenly into two champagne flutes, and add a tablespoon of berry puree into each. Without mixing, garnish each drink with a couple of berries.
Shirley Temple
1 ounce grenadine
6 ounces soda (Sprite, 7Up, ginger ale)
Maraschino cherries
Pour the grenadine into the bottom of a tall glass filled with ice. Then add about 6 ounces of the white soda of your choice to fill the rest. Top it off with maraschino cherries.
List of Links
- Black Tea Bags: instead of whiskey, these mocktails use tea as the base. Tea is rather neutral but still has a bit of a bite, to mimic the whiskey flavor.
- Simple Syrup: I used maple syrup simple syrup.
- Angostura Bitters:
- Orange Peel or Luxardo Cherry: for garnish
Step 1. Steep the tea in the hot water for 3-5 minutes. Let the tea cool completely.
Step 2. Meanwhile, make maple simple syrup. Let cool completely.
Step 3. Once the tea and syrup are cool, make the cocktail. To four glasses (over ice, if desired) add ¼ cup tea, ¼ ounce simple syrup, 2 dashes bitters. Garnish with an orange peel or luxardo cherry.
Jamie Flanagan @DJJamieDetroit
Matt Fox @fox_beazlefox
Merch www.WearingFunny.com
Jamie Flanagan: 0:02
I said, hey, hey, welcome to the man Cave Happy Hour.
Matt Fox: 0:09
I said, hey, hey welcome to the man Cave Happy Hour.
Jamie Flanagan: 0:16
We're gonna drink a fine whiskey and smoke a really fine cigar. It is time for Happy Hour. It is the man Cave Happy Hour Whiskey, cigars, spirits and stories that go along with it. I'm Jamie Flanagan. That is August Gitschlag.
August Gitschlag: 0:33
You beat me too, because that's Matt Fox over there.
Matt Fox: 0:35
I made it back I was actually listening to the last episode with the Rangers.
Jamie Flanagan: 0:41
The four bros, oh yeah.
Matt Fox: 0:44
I am really sorry.
August Gitschlag: 0:44
Sorry, I missed that episode oh yeah, those dudes were essential. They were really like cast members out of the lioness or one of those like yeah, the one guy was like a benghazi contractor. I mean, are you kidding me with these dudes?
Matt Fox: 0:55
I am so sorry, I missed that episode one time he gave me a
August Gitschlag: 0:58
look that. I thought he's gonna break my neck through the zoom right when I asked the question. He looked at me like and then he goes okay, I'll talk about it like okay, get down and give me 20 yeah, these guys aren't you get down, you're not getting back up with these guys you're right yeah yeah, yeah, no, I are the real deal.
Matt Fox: 1:13
Yeah, I'm really sorry I missed that episode, but I really enjoyed listening to it.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:16
You guys did an amazing job, oh well, thank you yeah, ah, that was, it was uh and it was uh, it was I, because I had posted about it that we were doing it and I got a few people saying, hey, tell us about it. So I put it out and I actually could report back that I enjoyed it. I did enjoy it Awesome. So, yeah, good stuff, maynard.
Matt Fox: 1:37
You saved a dram for me, right? We did. Yeah, it's here.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:40
It's hidden on Dad's shelf in the Podcast your Voice studio.
Matt Fox: 1:42
There's a special dad shelf in the podcast your voice studio.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:44
There's a there's a special dad shelf in the podcast, your voice studio.
Matt Fox: 1:48
Yes, there is.
August Gitschlag: 1:49
It's not exactly hidden, but it's out of sight. Yeah yeah, out of sight.
Jamie Flanagan: 1:55
Hopefully, hopefully, out of mind and that way, yeah, just cause there's probably like 12, 15 shows that record here and you know we don't leave that out. No, keep the good stuff set aside.
Matt Fox: 2:06
There's fair stuff on the bar daddy works too hard to be putting that out.
Jamie Flanagan: 2:09
That's it that's it so, uh, happy new year. It's january, correct? Uh, time to dry out, right I try to and really, really more, really more. Uh, lose some weight. Well, I'll find out you say that that's. That's, that's my more.
Matt Fox: 2:26
My reasoning behind it is like I gotta trim down after the holidays I feel like a wet sponge that you're trying to wring out and just it's. There's always something in there going into january, so it never really goes away no, well, I mean, this is what I really think.
Jamie Flanagan: 2:42
So january, yeah, oh yeah, there's water in that bourbon, right? I mean, this is what I really think of dry January. Oh yeah, it's dry January. There you go, a little water for you.
Matt Fox: 2:48
There's water in that bourbon, right? Yes, it's just water, it's just water.
Jamie Flanagan: 2:52
It's water Got it Ginger ale.
August Gitschlag: 2:55
This is actually just ginger ale.
Jamie Flanagan: 2:57
That is what it is, but yeah, so it's dry January and you got the magic disco.
August Gitschlag: 3:03
Yeah, the, you got the magic disco eight ball to add to the studio now shall we?
Jamie Flanagan: 3:07
is that the question should?
August Gitschlag: 3:08
I do dry January, or better yet, I'm going to do dry February because there's less days and that's going to prepare you for the high, holy holidays of drinking obligation the punchki day and St Patrick's punchki run punchki day, st Patrick's day, parade day, then St Patrick's day, then the Day then St Patrick's Day, then the Hamshack Blowout Music Festival.
Matt Fox: 3:28
And I think so.
August Gitschlag: 3:30
Once Tiger's opening day this year.
Matt Fox: 3:33
So your dry months are kind of in line with your own schedule.
Jamie Flanagan: 3:38
I think I may have strung a month together last year.
August Gitschlag: 3:41
Not a chance.
Jamie Flanagan: 3:41
That's what it says together last year, Not a chance baby.
August Gitschlag: 3:45
That's what it says. I'm not even kidding. I love that. It's a disco ball That'd go well here in the man cave. I'll just leave it on the table for anybody to use.
Jamie Flanagan: 3:58
But I thought we would try some mocktails. I thought we'd try to behave ourselves.
August Gitschlag: 4:00
They're a thing now. They're on menus everywhere.
Jamie Flanagan: 4:03
And try some mocktails. I got three. I got three to give a whirl. I had a fourth one, okay, and I couldn't find the ingredients because you needed like fresh ginger, and a ginger is like a root, it's not very disco ball-y.
August Gitschlag: 4:16
Yeah, ginger is like a root. It actually is a root, not like a root.
Jamie Flanagan: 4:19
Yeah root and the, the other ingredient that I was trying to hunt down. Now it's uh, it was uh uh turmeric, turmeric.
August Gitschlag: 4:37
Oh, I got that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 4:37
But it's like a root. Is it turmeric? Yeah, it is, and I couldn't, I couldn't, turmeric, turmeric makes your fingernails yellow.
August Gitschlag: 4:41
Uh, does it. Oh, yeah, it'll stain. Yeah, oh, it's a coloring too.
Jamie Flanagan: 4:46
So I was trying to. I was trying because it looks like an interesting cocktail yellow number five so you take an inch, and here's the measurement. Take an inch piece of peeled turmeric, uh, a two inch piece of peeled ginger, a half of a lemon, and then you puree all that.
August Gitschlag: 5:04
You just put that all in a juicer. It's too much work if I'm not going to have any vodka with it.
Jamie Flanagan: 5:07
I know, I know, I know you got to put that in a juicer and then agave syrup, because we did agave syrup for what was the?
August Gitschlag: 5:17
other, I was like oh, we did have agave, we got to oh, I got agave syrup in the studio from last week.
Jamie Flanagan: 5:22
Let's get something I can make with the agave syrup, right, and then sparkling water, but I couldn't get the turmeric.
August Gitschlag: 5:30
Sparkling water.
Jamie Flanagan: 5:32
Yeah, I couldn't find the sparkling water. No, I couldn't find the turmeric roots. I had the ginger in my hand, so I passed on that, but that sounds like an interesting one. I'll put these recipes in the description. And then I have a, an old-fashioned. Uh, this is, I have an old-fashioned, an alcohol-free, old-fashioned, I know well, I actually gonna share.
Matt Fox: 5:56
I'm gonna share something an old-fashioned mocktail and regarding uh old-fashioned over the uh holiday was out down in Canandaigua, down in New.
Jamie Flanagan: 6:04
York, you were doing Talladega Nights.
Matt Fox: 6:09
Yeah, exactly, and I was introduced to an old-fashioned recipe and it blew my socks off.
August Gitschlag: 6:16
Well, that's not an old-fashioned. Old-fashioned is three ingredients and it's an old-fashioned. If it's anything else, it's another drink.
Matt Fox: 6:23
I just don't think you understand how good this thing was.
August Gitschlag: 6:26
No, I understand how good it was. I understand it shouldn't be called no fashion then there's, one recipe for an old-fashioned I'm gonna make this old.
Matt Fox: 6:32
I'm gonna make this and that doesn't count well, I'm gonna make the syrup, I'm gonna bring it in, I'm gonna introduce you guys to it I'm not gonna say it's not gonna be delicious.
August Gitschlag: 6:41
I suspect great if you enjoy it. It's got all spice and cloves and cinnamon sticks and anise.
Matt Fox: 6:47
Oh God, so good.
August Gitschlag: 6:49
There's a lot too. There's a lot too. It sounds like I can already smell Christmas.
Matt Fox: 6:53
Well, a little bit.
Jamie Flanagan: 6:54
Yeah, it smells like Christmas. It's over the holiday season, so yeah, it ends up being work, you know, and this is one of those rare occasions where Jamie's doing the mixology over here. I am.
Matt Fox: 7:02
We're doing mocktails.
August Gitschlag: 7:06
I am not using my skills, I'm not shaking up a goddamn non-alcoholic drink. Not doing it, it's union. It's union rules. Even I probably shouldn't be, because I can sound all nasally, because I can't shake the snots. I've been fighting.
Jamie Flanagan: 7:20
Is that what I?
August Gitschlag: 7:20
Jamie Flanagan: 7:23
So now this doesn't really call to be shaken, but I'm going to do it because I'm changing. I've changed, I changed, I'm diverging.
Matt Fox: 7:29
No, you're good.
Jamie Flanagan: 7:31
Do what?
Matt Fox: 7:31
you want.
Jamie Flanagan: 7:32
From the recipe a little bit, but this calls for maple simple syrup and I'm just going with maple syrup.
August Gitschlag: 7:41
I didn't add any more sugar to it. You didn't cook it down and make it sweeter.
Jamie Flanagan: 7:48
I didn't. I didn't, I didn't add any more sugar to it. You didn't cook it down and make it sweeter. I didn't cook it down. Yeah, I didn't cook it down, so, straight from the bottle, we're doing it straight. Is there sugar in syrup? Then? Yes, uh, but yeah, so I'm doing the, the simple, simple syrup. All right, uh, I need about an ounce of that and you're using the oh, oh, nice Okay. Yeah, using the jigger, there Is that what you got for the holiday?
Matt Fox: 8:10
Was that a present from the holiday? This?
Jamie Flanagan: 8:12
was your present. Somebody was a leave behind. They're both here. I was looking for mine too.
August Gitschlag: 8:17
I'm like I know I got a. It was a leave behind.
Jamie Flanagan: 8:20
I gave you guys some.
Matt Fox: 8:22
Elijah Craig with the old fashioned mix and yeah that is very good that it was a maple old fashioned mix. Okay, the one that I got.
August Gitschlag: 8:31
I got a spiced, old fashioned yeah, I came with the rye and it's delicious.
Matt Fox: 8:34
Yeah, I got the maple and it was very good.
August Gitschlag: 8:37
All right. So now you're just dripping syrup all over the place. You know that right, yeah, okay. No, you know that right idea, okay, no, it'll put it down on the table, man it's gonna be so sticky in here it flies.
Jamie Flanagan: 8:47
I was setting it down to get the paper towel he is the lord of so matt, I need the uh I need the bitters, all right I need. Yeah, if you can grab just the uh egg store, just a regular or the orange either, or this is what happens when I'm not mixing things. I know well, I, I didn't. I, I have all this stuff. Oh, this is super sticky. I'm talking in a grumpy voice, yeah that is.
August Gitschlag: 9:09
I saw the. I'm like looking at the syrup drip out of the jig. I'm like, oh, it was like in slow motion All right, I grabbed them both All right, so, and this is tea.
Jamie Flanagan: 9:26
It's black tea, black tea, black tea but lipton black tea, you're gonna trick me into being healthy. Oh, it's a vanilla caramel it's supposed to be black tea. No well, the recipe just called for black tea and I was looking, I was like it was like black tea, black tea, black tea.
Matt Fox: 9:34
You know, cubby, wubby room room tea it's the uh, dj jamie, what's that from cubby wubby room room tea, oh my god, oh, it's gonna kill me. Uh-huh, uh-huh, harriet sweet, oh, it's going to kill me.
Jamie Flanagan: 9:41
Uh-huh, uh-huh, harriet.
Matt Fox: 9:44
Sweet. Oh, that's a. So I married an ex-murderer.
Jamie Flanagan: 9:47
Yes, yes.
Matt Fox: 9:49
Mr Mike Myers.
August Gitschlag: 9:49
Mike Myers. I haven't seen that movie since it was in the theaters.
Matt Fox: 9:52
Hate Pants.
Jamie Flanagan: 9:54
No, so when we were at Lipstick's, the last song of the night. You're making a colossal mess over here. Well, I'm spilling the tea all over, so I can wipe out the syrup.
August Gitschlag: 10:05
Spill on the tea, jamie. Well, that's what we do on this podcast we get people to spill the tea.
Matt Fox: 10:09
I bet you could still say word for word the Harriet song I can't, you can't.
Jamie Flanagan: 10:14
Matt Fox: 10:14
Want me to help you out.
Jamie Flanagan: 10:16
Harriet, sweet Harriet.
Matt Fox: 10:18
Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis, beautiful amused butcher.
August Gitschlag: 10:26
Oh yeah, all right so I'm gonna have to revisit this movie when I get home, but he does that, he does a couple like doesn't he have? The scottish accent. The whole movie. No, no, no, no, no. His dad, he plays his dad.
Jamie Flanagan: 10:40
He's like eddie murphy playing all the parts yeah yeah yeah okay, so his dad. He plays his dad too, and he's like really bad scottish parts. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, so his dad. He plays his dad too, and he's like really bad Scottish accent. So it's not.
August Gitschlag: 10:48
Scottish it's crap yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 10:51
He pants no, but yeah.
Matt Fox: 10:55
So you link your own sausage Go on All right.
August Gitschlag: 11:00
All both listeners have now tuned out.
Matt Fox: 11:02
They'll be back.
August Gitschlag: 11:05
That cat's just criticizing me for making fun of Dry January and being grumpy. No, she's doing it, so she doesn't like the fact that I'm making fun of it, but it's my job here.
Jamie Flanagan: 11:13
Holy shiitake mushrooms.
Matt Fox: 11:14
Is the orange one easier to open.
August Gitschlag: 11:16
Might be Do you want to run some hot water over it?
Jamie Flanagan: 11:18
I don't want to do it with my teeth? No, you don. Yeah, no one's judging your man, all right, so orange, orange.
Matt Fox: 11:30
It opens right up.
August Gitschlag: 11:32
The orange one Right, give me the other one.
Matt Fox: 11:34
Let's see what happens.
August Gitschlag: 11:35
I'm not going to be able to open it, but funny, this is around.
Jamie Flanagan: 11:40
Oh oh look at that, you pussy. Well, I already already went. I already went crazy with the cheese.
Matt Fox: 11:47
Crazy with the cheese crazy with the cheese. I watched him do it that's whole hamtramck right.
August Gitschlag: 11:54
So now we got bitter.
Jamie Flanagan: 11:55
Not only did we bastardize the tea, we've now bastardized the bitters so I augmented, and then I'm going to feel that in the morning my hand is hurting.
August Gitschlag: 12:02
I just had to prove something alright, fair play. I won't be using that hand for a while. I don't know, it'd be like the stranger, now go left-handed stranger danger and that cat is out of town traveling can you skewer, uh, some cherries oh, they opened right up some cherries for me, all right, so.
Jamie Flanagan: 12:22
So with the syrup. I like to shake it when I do the syrup, just you have to yeah, that's it. And then, since I didn't render it down, I wanted to shake it just so it would dilute a little more.
August Gitschlag: 12:34
Diluted, yes, you're getting judgments from the bartender, who gets cranky if he has to put in more than a third.
Jamie Flanagan: 12:38
A third ingredient annoys the hell out of me, yeah well, it is a beer guy captain coke fine so it's uh, but it was, it was uh, so it's, it's, it's just your main ingredient.
August Gitschlag: 12:50
And then bitters, and and and the, the, the sweet, the sweetener I get it so it is so I know that uh track to be a regular are these uh recipes out of a restaurant or something no, these were off of, uh, the line.
Jamie Flanagan: 13:04
Okay, they were on the line.
August Gitschlag: 13:06
I think this one came from esquire okay, because there are plenty of local restaurants that have mocktail menus, like in a black salt and ham. Trammock is quite. They're more expensive than the non. And then the alcoholic recipes at some point. So this one I know it's a big deal like I got these craft mixes that I ordered and I thought I was going to spend less time drinking over the summer on boats it didn't work out. No this one is at Elizabeth's table.
Jamie Flanagan: 13:32
I'll have the thing linked.
August Gitschlag: 13:34
These are all like optional. It's like these look like. They're basically more like liquor made, and that's what they actually are. They're just liquor made. You dump them into whatever you want. They have little recipes. That looks thick. Oh boy Did.
Matt Fox: 13:50
I say that out loud.
August Gitschlag: 13:50
Yeah, you did Not. The first time it's holiday season. I mean there were lots of dicks in the boxes at my birthday party there were.
Jamie Flanagan: 14:01
So there we go. I was there, I saw it that is the old-fashioned.
Matt Fox: 14:12
I'll give you the one with the lesson. How about that?
Jamie Flanagan: 14:16
It's black tea, bitters and simple maple syrup. It smells sweet and a Luxardo. It also calls for.
Matt Fox: 14:29
I can smell the vanilla.
August Gitschlag: 14:31
If possible. The tea is really overwhelming. You know what this needs Whiskey.
Matt Fox: 14:41
Is that upside down yeah?
August Gitschlag: 14:42
you always take pictures upside down. You want to get our Glassware Sponsor logo in there.
Matt Fox: 14:46
Yeah, there you go. Yeah, Firebird Tavern Actually went out to the Troy location. You want to get our Glassware sponsor logo in there. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, firebird Tavern Actually went out to the Troy location. Last week had dinner with my kiddo.
August Gitschlag: 14:56
Yeah, it doesn't taste any better with booze in it. Honestly, it's a caramel vanilla forward. Yeah, it dominates the whole flavor.
Matt Fox: 15:06
Listen, it's not terrible, it's just. It's not terrible, it's just.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:09
It's not what your palate is used to all right so, but that kind of tastes cocktail-y it's.
August Gitschlag: 15:15
It's not a you know well, it's also contrary to every kind of cocktail we make here, which seems always has a shit ton of lemons in it. Everything we're just squeezing the hell out of entire lemon trees squeeze the lemon.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:27
Well, that ginger, that thatic one, that terminex one.
Matt Fox: 15:31
Terminex, terminex. We got to spread it around. I don't know how to pronounce that word.
Jamie Flanagan: 15:35
That was a pureed and it says to puree it with the peel. I ain't pureeing shit With the peel. I was like, oh, but no, this was for the mocktail. I of us was for the mocktail. I can't do that.
August Gitschlag: 15:52
no, no, yeah, but if you're like hanging out, if you're hanging out just going, oh, I'm having. I hope I'm not insulting your, your mixing skills here. I'm just saying, no, it's not my thing yeah, it's tea it's tea it's sweetened tea.
Matt Fox: 15:59
What if I add some of this passion fruit paloma?
August Gitschlag: 16:02
no, we'll get to that you know what?
Matt Fox: 16:06
I would actually drink this in the summertime. You're lying.
August Gitschlag: 16:10
No, I'm serious, you're so full of shit box, I would drink this.
Matt Fox: 16:13
Someone handed it to you. You would go immediately, like no thanks well yeah but I'd still drink it.
Jamie Flanagan: 16:19
No, but if you're like, oh, here, let's drink this, you'd be like what the hell. But if you're like it's a mocktail, you're're like okay.
August Gitschlag: 16:26
I'm sorry, I'm at the wrong party.
Jamie Flanagan: 16:29
I'm ready for trash. What's this going to be All?
August Gitschlag: 16:31
right, it's my job to be the contrarian jerk.
Matt Fox: 16:36
We're going to watch an Elton John documentary here. Drink this.
August Gitschlag: 16:39
I have a mocktail because he's on the wagon, you know, yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 16:42
All right. So the next one. My dang computer closed off. I mean it's only going to go up from here.
August Gitschlag: 16:50
It's only going up. It can only get better, it can only get better. But I ain't going to fish that Luxardo out of there. You would think I know right. I'm not going to waste a good cherry. You beat me to it, Although the bell was Fakir.
Jamie Flanagan: 17:07
F-A-K-I-R. Fakir Fakar.
Matt Fox: 17:10
Well, August beat me to the cherry.
August Gitschlag: 17:14
What's the new Magic 8-Ball say. It's hard to read.
Matt Fox: 17:18
It says right on Sorry, buddy.
August Gitschlag: 17:25
Oh, we got Tom Collins glasses for this.
Matt Fox: 17:27
Look at that Okay.
August Gitschlag: 17:27
We have our custom ice. Look at that. Okay, we have our custom ice.
Jamie Flanagan: 17:32
Going with the tall boys, and so yeah.
August Gitschlag: 17:39
It's directly from the freezer in Troy.
August Gitschlag: 17:41
Yeah, that's that good Troy water there I had to go to the dentist today for the first time in like a year and a half because I missed an appointment and I got all out of whack. Good Troy water there. I had to go to the dentist today for the first time in like a year and a half, so I missed an appointment and I got. I got all out of whack, okay, and I uh my dentist and I usually politically fight over Facebook. Everyone's off. He actually mentioned he goes.
August Gitschlag: 17:56
I saw your party on online. It looks really great. It's not pictures, but I go. So what do you think about your? You said he takes his glasses off and like give me this whole story about how it's making people's teeth fall out now because they get too much fluoride. Ah, and he thinks it makes it. It makes your teeth, you know, into mush and that uh, there's uh he said something about you lose four iq points from having fluoride in the water. I'm like maybe in the same place there's lead in the water let me know what you do.
August Gitschlag: 18:22
Are your studies in flint? I mean, come on. But um it's I just thought it was a little bizarre. It's like, okay, yeah, thanks, I mean I started it I wasn't gonna argue. Yeah, I started, I'm like what about your boy in floor? I think he was gonna say oh, that's crazy. And he's like, no, you should be rid of it.
August Gitschlag: 18:36
I'm like damn it one thing you agree on and have happened to be fluoride they put fluoride in the water back when people were, you know, they're all losing their teeth. They didn't know to brush A little trouble without having alcohol in your booze. Booze in your alcohol, what are you?
Matt Fox: 18:53
dumping in there.
August Gitschlag: 18:54
Matt Fox: 18:55
I just looked up and I'm like what Are you pooping in the cocktail.
Jamie Flanagan: 18:57
I'm pooping in the cocktail. I like it a mix.
August Gitschlag: 19:00
It's in a mixes no, so this is blackberry.
Jamie Flanagan: 19:03
This is blackberry.
August Gitschlag: 19:06
I didn't puree it, I muddled it beyond recognition.
Jamie Flanagan: 19:09
Okay, it says to puree it and remove the seeds, so this might be a little seedy.
August Gitschlag: 19:14
Well, it's the only thing seedy about this family wholesome podcast. Lick the can. I just licked the can that pooped in our drinks.
Jamie Flanagan: 19:24
And it calls for ginger.
Matt Fox: 19:25
ale you just keep setting it up and everyone listening is going. This is a mocktail episode. Ginger ale, you just keep setting it up and everyone listening is going. This is a mocktail episode too.
August Gitschlag: 19:30
I just had that one sip of whiskey and I dumped the rest of the mocktail to make it better. And it's not even good.
Jamie Flanagan: 19:34
So it's you wasted good booze.
August Gitschlag: 19:37
I had one sip of whiskey. You wasted a good cherry. You had one drop. I ate the cherry. I ate the cherry. Come on, now I'm going to waste a good Luxardo.
Jamie Flanagan: 19:43
So this calls for this car calls for a quarter pint of fresh blackberries and then eight ounces of ginger ale.
August Gitschlag: 19:56
So this is that kind of like that cranberry ginger ale that that Vernors put out. Yeah, okay, no-transcript. Well, werner's did the one.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:06
Werner's has a similar one Werner's has a crazy one. It was a limited release.
August Gitschlag: 20:10
It wasn't bad. I was worried it was going to make it really sweet and it didn't. It was fine.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:14
Matt Fox: 20:17
It's probably better with vodka in it.
August Gitschlag: 20:19
Do those need to get stirred? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, they need to be somethinged? And where's the part where I squeeze 17 limes?
Matt Fox: 20:26
It's a fizzy boba drink. All right, all right.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:29
It says to set aside some blackberries for garnish, but they're pretty much solid.
Matt Fox: 20:36
I did, I set them, you set them yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:39
I did. I have them in there. We got our for the garnish Stir.
August Gitschlag: 20:42
Okay, good sound of stirring ice, yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:48
Ah, so stir stir stir.
August Gitschlag: 20:50
Oh, you'll like this, Jamie. I met the Elks last night. Yeah, and I sit down and the girl next to me goes notice anything and picks up her drink and there's a straw with my picture on it for my birthday party.
Jamie Flanagan: 20:58
Oh my God, she kept them. Little Augie cutouts.
August Gitschlag: 21:00
That's great, I thought that was pretty damn funny.
Jamie Flanagan: 21:03
That's a good follow through there.
August Gitschlag: 21:05
Tomorrow night. I'm on the agenda to be approved. Oh, is that tomorrow. Yeah, that's to be voted in. My investiture will be, or whatever they call it, later on.
Matt Fox: 21:12
You're going to become an elk.
Jamie Flanagan: 21:13
Oh to vote you in. Oh, so your initiation will be a different night, different night. Yeah, let me know what you're doing in the initiation. All the elks out there in Ferndale, you're all welcome to come swear at August.
August Gitschlag: 21:28
I just know that at the end, when they make you say amen, I'm going to say gay men, that's my plan. Ferndale, did you?
Matt Fox: 21:35
just say gay men Just saying it
August Gitschlag: 21:39
Jamie Flanagan: 21:39
Ferndale, it is Ferndale.
August Gitschlag: 21:42
Peace be with you and also with thou.
Jamie Flanagan: 21:46
Alright, so here we go. There's a couple Please, Mr Fox. Thank you, sir. A couple of the Fakars right.
August Gitschlag: 21:52
You're a gentleman, I got to. You're a scholar. I like you better when you're not drinking.
Matt Fox: 21:57
You're not the first one to say that. Go to my ex-wife.
August Gitschlag: 22:02
Hey, what do you know? What do you know?
Jamie Flanagan: 22:09
Got to get the F on there, flanagan. Yeah, turn it around, I'll try to get through the shot path there.
August Gitschlag: 22:12
I know we're a multimedia podcast here.
Matt Fox: 22:14
Yes, we are, look at that.
August Gitschlag: 22:17
There you go. That's good stuff. It's muddled blue blackberries and ginger ale.
Matt Fox: 22:24
Yep, canada dry.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:25
Canada dry, another mocktail Cheers.
Matt Fox: 22:27
Cheers, cheers, cheers fellas.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:33
I probably should have strained it. Yeah, it's a little yeah Straining.
August Gitschlag: 22:36
It probably would have been For future episodes when we do mocktails.
Matt Fox: 22:41
Well actually puree it and then strain it If somebody likes boba. They're all about this.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:45
August Gitschlag: 22:47
Now it's going to make this better, though.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:49
What's going to make this better, though?
Matt Fox: 22:51
what's gonna make this better vodka tequila, tequila you have a stash of liquor to your side um that I so.
Jamie Flanagan: 22:59
Dry january is taking an awful turn here.
August Gitschlag: 23:03
Here's your spoon. You try, let me know and I may join you.
Jamie Flanagan: 23:07
I actually like that, though it's there the flavor that I knew I was gonna like it's.
August Gitschlag: 23:12
Uh, it is a little seedy. There's a little bit of muddle in there that makes it kind of odd to sip on, but otherwise uh I kind of, I kind of like the, I like the hidden surprises yeah, a little chewy now.
Jamie Flanagan: 23:23
If I'm in a bar and I get a hidden surprise, I don't like it. But if I did it to myself at home, well, it's cheaper, so much cheaper to do it to yourself at home, and the uh result is august, infinitely better infinitely better have you. Are you trying it? Yeah, okay, yeah, it's uh it's a blackberry paloma, I don't. Oh okay, I don't want to waste any of that good tequila on a drink. I'm not going to finish, it's 1800.
August Gitschlag: 23:54
And I have another bottle of it in there.
Jamie Flanagan: 23:56
I got another bottle. That's the bottle I brought.
Matt Fox: 23:58
There's a red sombrero underneath this cap, somewhere.
August Gitschlag: 24:01
No it's not quite that bad. We leave it out. For common folk it can't be that good Common folk.
Matt Fox: 24:10
What are we? Pulp, yes.
August Gitschlag: 24:13
We're the bigs.
Jamie Flanagan: 24:14
They're the littles.
August Gitschlag: 24:15
That is the shelf tequila.
Jamie Flanagan: 24:18
Again, this is fun. Again, it's not just a Coke, it's not just a pop, it's a cocktail, right yeah?
August Gitschlag: 24:26
In the end, I'd rather just have the can of the dry. Yeah, you're going to behave'd rather just have the can of the dry. Yeah, you're gonna behave yourself and just have a can of dry. I think that's what I would do. I mean I wouldn't. I mean, maybe a blackberry syrup yeah, would play a little better.
Jamie Flanagan: 24:39
I can see that, right, um just well, it should have been more of a blackberry syrup. I just didn't.
August Gitschlag: 24:44
I didn't follow the directions flavor wise, I enjoy it, yep yeah, it's fine.
Matt Fox: 24:49
The blackberry's not overwhelming. It fits right in with the ginger.
Jamie Flanagan: 24:52
I like the little mixture. I like the little mixture going on. Good stuff, all right.
August Gitschlag: 24:57
So we have a third shaker for a third concoction here, or are we just going straight stir on this one?
Jamie Flanagan: 25:01
Straight pour.
Matt Fox: 25:03
Straight pour you. Got enough ice in there. You got enough ice in there.
August Gitschlag: 25:06
Well, we have an ice machine in the other room.
Jamie Flanagan: 25:09
I'm not going to make it work.
Matt Fox: 25:13
So there's a lot of conversation around New Year's resolutions. Yeah, do either of you make resolutions.
Jamie Flanagan: 25:22
I am absolutely successful in my resolution every year because I resolved not to make a resolution.
August Gitschlag: 25:27
See, that's brilliant.
Jamie Flanagan: 25:28
And so I am successful each and every year to the 10th degree. Yeah, I don't to make a resolution, that's brilliant. And so I am successful each and every year to the 10th degree.
Matt Fox: 25:32
Yeah, I don't freaking make a lot of people will say the worst time led me down that path. Yeah, the worst time to make a resolution is new year's. Oh okay, really is, because then you have too much pressure. You went to the gym a couple days ago, right, yeah, I guess I had free time, yeah, and how many people were there nobody holy crap really empty.
August Gitschlag: 25:51
I have the perfect gym, the planet fitness, behind the walmart at uh 12 mile, and van like no one knows. It's there, it's brand new, still smells like varnish. It's no one's ever in there. It's great. Any, you can get any tv you want right.
Matt Fox: 26:05
Well, a lot of folks will like make that resolution to work out.
August Gitschlag: 26:07
Yeah this is the gym. Owners are all money around, right? Now getting ready to go on that March vacation? Yeah.
Matt Fox: 26:11
And they're like well, yeah, you're not going to stick with it because 95% of the folks that make that resolution they're like, yeah, I'm done, because they forgot how bad they feel the next day.
August Gitschlag: 26:21
When I went to the gym the other day it had probably been four months Usually don't go in the summertime. Months usually don't go in the summertime, okay, so it's a cold weather thing, and I was only one person that I recognized from the staff there. But the rest of the people I did recognize I was like, oh, that's the same guy that's always on that machine. That's the same guys I was on that, but the staff there's only one person there I recognized they had a little turnover at the planet, fitness and warren oh, and then this is is that like?
Matt Fox: 26:46
a shir.
Jamie Flanagan: 26:48
Bless America. It is exactly a Shirley Temple. So, yeah, if you can spear three more cherries for us, you can use the spears right. You can put the spears right in, it doesn't matter, or drop me the cherries.
August Gitschlag: 27:03
Put the spears right in there. Grab a new spear.
Matt Fox: 27:08
My arms aren't that long. I was trying to salvage the spears.
August Gitschlag: 27:13
Is this complete?
Jamie Flanagan: 27:15
Matt Fox: 27:16
Jamie Flanagan: 27:17
Seven up with a cherry in it Easy killer Way to get a load of me. I'll take that it's not done. Oh well, yeah, it's not done.
August Gitschlag: 27:34
Wait till they go. I'm going to see Batman at the DSO in July. I can't wait Symphony's playing it. Oh, with the movie, yeah, oh nice they're doing one of the Harry Potter movies this weekend. The tickets in the secondary market are going for like 500 bucks.
Matt Fox: 27:50
A little dash of.
August Gitschlag: 27:53
Pomegranate juice Just a little.
Jamie Flanagan: 27:55
Oh wait we're not done.
August Gitschlag: 27:57
We're not done, we need.
Matt Fox: 27:59
Oh, we got umbrellas.
August Gitschlag: 28:02
Doesn't everybody have a couple? Cocktail umbrellas in their pocket at all times.
Jamie Flanagan: 28:07
I'm a girl drink drunk. Come on man, I gotta have the little umbrella 40-year-old virgin.
August Gitschlag: 28:13
Do you really walk around with that fake ear in your pocket all the time?
Jamie Flanagan: 28:18
Well, yeah, why wouldn't I?
Matt Fox: 28:21
There we are. Oh my goodness, that's some funny stuff right there.
Jamie Flanagan: 28:25
There we are.
Matt Fox: 28:28
Kelly Clarkson.
August Gitschlag: 28:32
You could have just speared the cherry with the umbrella. Yeah, but I wanted the big reveal.
Jamie Flanagan: 28:37
Oh yeah, you had that moment ready to go. All right, I gotta move all this, all right, so five six years ago when we started this podcast.
Matt Fox: 28:44
Jamie, did you ever think we'd be sitting here drinking a shirley temple together? I?
Jamie Flanagan: 28:47
was praying for this day. Okay, I was really hoping this was my goal. Everybody has goals.
Matt Fox: 28:58
Peanut gallery to my left.
August Gitschlag: 29:02
It's delicious, there's a reason why Shirley Temples are. Shirley Temples are good. There you go that you know what makes a Shirley Temple better.
Matt Fox: 29:11
What makes a Shirley Temple better? August Vodka makes a Shirley Temple better. What makes a Shirley Temple better?
August Gitschlag: 29:16
August vodka. Oh my God.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:23
This is the worst dry January episode ever or the best? I'm not absolutely sure.
August Gitschlag: 29:30
I never agreed to your religion.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:35
Oh, my God Now this is technically called.
August Gitschlag: 29:38
This now is a dirty Shirley. Dirty Shirley.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:40
Oh okay.
Matt Fox: 29:41
Dirty Shirley, dirty Shirley.
August Gitschlag: 29:44
Now, that's a refreshing cocktail, right there All right, yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 29:47
So the Shirley Temple with the grenadine Where'd the vodka go oh.
Matt Fox: 29:51
Put that Tito's back up here.
August Gitschlag: 29:56
There you are, dj Jim Yay, all right.
Matt Fox: 29:59
I just might have to dig into that. Let's uh, there we go, there you go, you're still spilling stuff.
August Gitschlag: 30:06
Still spilling. He's over there in the sticky spot anyway. He's got to sit in the wet spot the rest of the show. I gotta tell ya the maple syrup incident of the dry.
Jamie Flanagan: 30:15
January episode. I'm really happy with that. Cheers, this is good you saved the best for last Jamie.
Matt Fox: 30:28
I was drinking vodka drinks last night, so oh, that's nice with the Dirty Shirley's just.
August Gitschlag: 30:34
I'd serve that at a baby shower. Yeah, that's refreshing.
Jamie Flanagan: 30:39
No, that's actually. I would even just.
August Gitschlag: 30:40
We'll have that at my gender reveal. No, I'm not giving. That's not really happening because I'm not having a gender reveal.
Jamie Flanagan: 30:46
Don't worry, I almost had a gender reveal the other night, but that's just because.
Matt Fox: 30:51
I was drinking really heavy and I'm thinking about dropping my pants. Jamie tequila again.
Jamie Flanagan: 30:56
Tequila yeah, tequila was calling and the pants nearly fell off. Pants were falling. There you go. So there's three mocktails of varying degrees of success. The tea-based one was our least favorite. If I'm on a desert, desert island.
August Gitschlag: 31:13
I can get through the last two and fake myself. That's all I had for ingredients. Was, you know, subbing up ginger ale and, uh, some blackberries. I could. I could survive fooling myself that I was at a cocktail party. You can muddle through. Yeah, I'm through. Yep, with the muddled blackberries.
Jamie Flanagan: 31:29
See, there you go, see how we gotta tie it all together. Just make sure the berries are not poisoned so much as I love this umbrella.
Matt Fox: 31:36
I don't like it.
August Gitschlag: 31:36
See how we got to tie it all together.
Jamie Flanagan: 31:37
Just make sure the berries are not poisoned so much as I love this umbrella, I don't like it going up my nose. I took the umbrella out. I just had the umbrella. It was the right move.
Matt Fox: 31:48
It was the correct move.
August Gitschlag: 31:49
Well, if you are the dry January type or the dry February type because it has less days in the month, I wish you all the best on your endeavors. And will you make it through your dry January type or the dry February type that has less days in the month? I wish you all the best on your endeavors and will you make it through your?
Jamie Flanagan: 31:58
dry. January or February, the magic disc weight ball will tell.
August Gitschlag: 32:01
It'll tell us I can't read this damn thing. Take your glasses off, oh you don't wear glasses, shake again, shake it again. That's why I said shake it again.
Matt Fox: 32:11
Shake it. Do you have to?
Jamie Flanagan: 32:13
re-ask the question.
August Gitschlag: 32:17
I can't even read this. This Magic 8-Ball sucks Out of sight, out of sight. So I guess, your goals are out of sight. Out of sight, right, that's what they're saying.
Jamie Flanagan: 32:27
It's like a groovy, it's a groovy Magic 8-Ball, don't look back.
August Gitschlag: 32:34
All right, groovy idea, don't look back.
Jamie Flanagan: 32:36
all right, but you had some uh, do we talk about those?
August Gitschlag: 32:38
while I was mixing.
Jamie Flanagan: 32:38
No, I grabbed these the summer okay, um, these are mocktail, or possibly cocktail mixers on into the amazon machine and he gives you these, these come up right away.
August Gitschlag: 32:44
They come in a box, in a bag. This craft mix variety pack you can buy if you have like, so I did do. There's a passion fruit paloma, mango, margarita, blood orange, mai tai and strawberry mule. Okay, and basically you just put it in sparkling water. To me they're just licorice. Hold it up to the camera, they're just kind of like licorice. They give you a little recipe. If you want to make it in a cocktail in the back, oh okay.
Jamie Flanagan: 33:05
Or just says, dump it in your favorite sparkling water, or you know oh, okay and enjoy the flavor that would probably be easier than like muddling the blackberries and brewing sipping tea.
August Gitschlag: 33:17
They are very lichamate-y, though, you can tell. You know you gotta shake them up. Good, They'll get a little gristly If you don't let it give it time to dissolve. It's like crystal light. It's basically like crystal light, yes.
Matt Fox: 33:27
Okay, alright, showing our age on that one.
August Gitschlag: 33:31
Yeah, just add rum water and ice. Just add vodka water and ice. Just add tequila water and ice Pour a nice plum, add tequila water and ice. I did do a couple of them over the summer. I did try them with and without the cocktails, and that's why they're still here.
Jamie Flanagan: 33:55
We're going to do a canned cocktail, pre-made cocktail there's a bunch of those out there. We do the same kind.
August Gitschlag: 34:00
We'll do all margarita or all mule, or all. Manhattan.
Jamie Flanagan: 34:04
Yeah, we'll figure something out. Yeah, because there's plenty of bullies to be responsible for bringing one. Yeah, I did the On the Rocks brand, the old-fashioned from the On the Rocks. I like that one. I had a small bottle I won in a gift basket and I enjoyed it so much. The simplicity of it, right, the ready-to-go-ness of it, I bought another bottle. So that's the thing, Because we talk to people. You're going to sell one bottle. Pretty much anybody's going to sell their first bottle.
Matt Fox: 34:37
Yeah, they're going to sell the second one.
August Gitschlag: 34:41
Is it?
Jamie Flanagan: 34:41
going to sell you another one, and I bought a second bottle. I won one for free. The liquid brought you back, yeah, so not bad. Last one coming up Whiskey Taco.
August Gitschlag: 34:54
Matt Fox: 34:56
January 19th. That's a Sunday at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
Jamie Flanagan: 35:00
Sunday's on day.
August Gitschlag: 35:02
We'll be on earlier, but the program that we're there for is at 1. And that's the ABC's Of Canadian Whiskey. So that's why we'll probably be there at noon To talk to Charlie and whoever the presenter is and get a little chit-chat with those guys.
Matt Fox: 35:20
That'll be Lions game day too. It might be.
August Gitschlag: 35:24
Who knows, this could be a Saturday game. It could be a night game. The Sundays they do have one o'clock games. Lions are number one seed. They're not going to be the early game.
Jamie Flanagan: 35:31
No, so there you go, last one to come. Just follow along Like subscribe.
August Gitschlag: 35:38
We got Just a Taste coming up my Christmas presents, yeah.
Jamie Flanagan: 35:45
I got a smoker for Christmas too.
August Gitschlag: 35:47
Oh, you got a cocktail smoker. I got a cocktail smoker.
Jamie Flanagan: 35:50
We'll do dueling cocktail smokers.
August Gitschlag: 35:53
That sounds like gay porn.
Jamie Flanagan: 35:54
Mine. Mine is different. There's a couple of steps to it. I like yours because it's just a lid you put over the glass and you do it. You pull it off and that's it. So this one. Do you have butane in your pocket?
August Gitschlag: 36:07
Uh, he had him.
Matt Fox: 36:07
He was asking the wrong person. He had umbrellas, yeah, so I thought maybe you had the butane. No.
Jamie Flanagan: 36:12
Is that what I smell. That's my aftershave High karate.
Matt Fox: 36:18
I was trying to hide it.
Jamie Flanagan: 36:21
But yeah, so we'll do that too. So lots of stuff coming up through the New. Year's yeah and thanks. We'll do it all again very, very soon, gentlemen like and subscribe and things and enjoy your dirty shirley's guys cheers.
Matt Fox: 36:35
That is august gitschlag that is jamie flanagan matt fox is over here all right hey we'll see you guys next time.
August Gitschlag: 36:42
Bye guys.