Man Cave Happy Hour

Bourbon Basics for Her with Kerri McBride (Harper Neat)

Man Cave Happy Hour

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Have you ever wondered what it takes to truly appreciate bourbon, or how to confidently navigate the intricate world of whiskey? You’re in for a treat as we welcome Kerri  McBride, aka Harper Neat, to the Man Cave Happy Hour. Kerri takes us on a heartfelt journey from her childhood memories of her dad’s bourbon to writing her book "Bourbon Basics for Her," designed to empower women in the world of bourbon. Discover how the unique challenges of 2020 became the catalyst for her to share her wisdom and passion for this classic spirit.

Curious about transitioning from bourbon cocktails to savoring it straight? Learn about our personal experiences and tips that helped us evolve our bourbon palate, and how collecting quirky bourbon accessories enhances the journey. Get insights into making informed choices, from selecting high-quality bourbons on a budget to the essentials of great cocktail crafting at home. We discuss the art of mixology, revealing secrets behind perfect Manhattans, old-fashioneds, and even the smoky allure of using cherry wood.

Lastly, join us as we chat about the community of bourbon enthusiasts. From the camaraderie found in the Ladies Love Bourbon Facebook group to the dream of exploring the Bourbon Trail, the episode is filled with ideas and inspiration. We share practical tips for understanding your bourbon preferences, and recount fun stories from cocktail parties featuring expert mixologists. Whether you’re a bourbon newbie or a seasoned connoisseur, this episode promises a delightful exploration of bourbon’s rich world.

Jamie Flanagan @DJJamieDetroit

Matt Fox @fox_beazlefox


Jamie Flanagan: 0:01

I said, hey, hey, welcome to the man Cave Happy Hour. I said, hey, hey, welcome to the man Cave Happy Hour. We're gonna drink a fine whiskey and smoke a really fine cigar. It is time for Happy Hour. The man Cave, happy Hour Whiskey, cigars, spirits, the stories that go along with it. I'm Jamie Flanagan and we're just going to have some fun tonight. It's all about the ladies tonight. The man Cave, it says right on the sign there you can see it a podcast for everyone. Oh, the microphone was in the way. A podcast for everyone Because it is. Because you know bourbons and whiskeys and spirits, and the man cave is just not exclusively for the man, it's just a convenient fun name that we have. And ladies, learning about bourbon and that's why we do the podcast is to to learn. I said it many times times. Not an expert, uh, barely knowledgeable. A little knowledge is a is a dangerous thing, uh, so learning about bourbon and and and how do you? How do you do that? How do you find out? Uh, and well, carrie mcbride, our guest today, is going to help the ladies out because she wrote a book. Kerri, welcome to the the man cave.

Kerri McBride: 1:23

Well, thank you, I'm loving being in the man cave. It's awesome.

Jamie Flanagan: 1:27

So the pen name is Harper Neat. It's like when we saw the name we were speculating that's got to be a pen, Of course. Stormy weather, the traffic lady we're like it's probably Neat neat. We're like could that be the name?

Kerri McBride: 1:50

well, that'd be great but uh, but anyway, I thought it was a great name, but you know, that's just because I was totally chicken. I had never published a book before. I still work. I'm a consultant but I thought, oh my gosh, what if I humiliate myself publicly? So let's go with a pen name.

Jamie Flanagan: 2:03

And that was was so they say everybody has a book in them. Uh, and, and it's just a matter of uh, get getting it out there. But, uh, before we get into the book, right, the book, uh, bourbon basics for her. Uh, we'll get to that, but uh, before we do, carrie, tell me about your childhood.

Kerri McBride: 2:23

My childhood. Oh my gosh, that was a really long time ago. I grew up in Ohio. My dad was a factory guy, so we moved every four years all through the Midwest Indiana, all that stuff. But four of those years were in Kentucky.

Kerri McBride: 2:39

I have vivid memories of. We lived in a dry county in Kentucky and I have vivid memories of the three of us crammed in the back seat of the car and dad driving over the county line to buy booze and bring it back home. And he was a bourbon lover from that day on. So childhood, yeah, great childhood, great parents, bourbon dad and they're both gone now, but you know memory of your dad last week.

Jamie Flanagan: 3:06

But that's yeah, that's what led you to having an affinity for bourbon.

Kerri McBride: 3:13

But of course.

Jamie Flanagan: 3:14


Kerri McBride: 3:14

But of course you know lots of days when Dad taught me as a you know 12-year-old he'd go over there and pour me a bourbon. He'd go over and like it was Coca-Cola. Dad would say that's a bourbon. I'd go over and like it was Coca-Cola. Dad would say that's a little much.

Jamie Flanagan: 3:33

So really, that's all I knew about bourbon until about four years ago. So yeah, you posed. When we were chatting earlier, you posed the question it's how do you not look stupid when you're in a group of bourbon aficionados or a bunch of people drinking bourbon? So tell me about the book what was the precipice, what was the guiding leading moment that sparked this book?

Kerri McBride: 3:57

Yeah, like a lot of things. It's a whole bunch of things that just come together. You know, part of it was 2020, which was boring as heck for most of us because we weren't going anywhere. We were just hanging out and it was no fun at all. I was really, really busy. I am the main wage earner for my family and consulting is what I do for a living and I just wanted to do something that was more fun.

Kerri McBride: 4:18

Right around then we got together with friends who were bourbon drinkers and they went to a restaurant together. We ordered that restaurant's old-fashioned and this is really good. So every restaurant that we went to together and that week we spent together I was ordering old-fashioned. It was really the only only time I'd ever drunk bourbon before came out of that experience just really curious about it, started asking questions and trying to learn.

Kerri McBride: 4:45

I didn't know why I liked it, you know yeah do I like all the stuff that's in there with the bourbon? You know I've spent my whole life drinking wine and margaritas, you know yeah, yeah I was about it. So it was really a new experience for me to get into bourbon, and then I just started exploring, trying to figure out what it was. I liked All starting with the old-fashioned, though that was the basis.

Jamie Flanagan: 5:11

So do you now, those old-fashions, do you drink it? Straight now? Oh, you bet yeah.

Kerri McBride: 5:16

You bet. It's my theory that you get into it because it doesn't taste like bourbon right.

Kerri McBride: 5:24

You feel there's a spirit in there, but you're really tasting everything that goes around it and you either decide to lean into the bourbon or maybe you don't right, but for me, over weeks or months, you know, I realized that I really wasn't liking all the other stuff that was going on in there and really just more enjoying the bourbon, so started drink just bourbon with a cube and went from there trying to figure out which bourbons do I really like, what creates a bourbon that I'm really enjoying. And that really started started the mission, you know, and after I'd spent a year or so, two years, three years just kind of learning more and more and more about it, I just thought, wow, you, probably a lot of women out there could probably really enjoy it, but they just don't know how to get into it. I didn't know how to get into it.

Jamie Flanagan: 6:11


Kerri McBride: 6:12

So what the heck? I'll put this all together. I've always left writing as a key part of what I do for a living.

Kerri McBride: 6:24

So a friend of mine, I'm a consultant and over the Christmas holidays most of us get shut down. We don't want any consultants working over the holidays. So I had two weeks over the holidays, did the research and within a month or so was able to publish it. And to my amazement, there are a lot of people out there who just want a super quick read that introduces them to the topic, that gives them a starting place you know.

Kerri McBride: 6:48

So that's what I've been doing. That's proven basics for her, and I connected up with you on facebook, right? Yeah trying to get reviewers to take a look at the book and let me know if it's any good or not. Let me know what to do better next time around. I'll probably tweak it in the next month or so, you know. Add some more recipes to it, add some more substance to it. But, really just for fun. Some other folks have fun.

Jamie Flanagan: 7:13

What are people going to find when they get it and they crack the spine the digital spine on it? Anyway, you can buy me a pack.

Kerri McBride: 7:21

You see how skinny it is. This is meant to be a quick read. I mean, there's a lot of paperback. You see how skinny it is. You know this is meant to be a quick read. I don't know if you're old enough to remember what the heck did you buy when you didn't actually read the assignment those yellow books.

Jamie Flanagan: 7:36

Oh, cliff Notes yeah.

Kerri McBride: 7:37

Cliff Notes right.

Jamie Flanagan: 7:39

I'm an English teacher. I know all about the Cliff Notes. Oh, gosh okay, that was probably like evil.

Kerri McBride: 7:46

The idea was you could sit down and in an hour or so just page through this and say okay, I've had my orientation now. I can proceed and explore and just see what I want to do from here on out. That's it, quick read. What is it? How to get into it, how to buy it. I mean, I'm going to buy bourbon for my husband and have no idea.

Jamie Flanagan: 8:09

Oh, yeah, yeah, you know there's so much stuff there.

Kerri McBride: 8:12

So what do you do? You buy an expensive one.

Jamie Flanagan: 8:15


Kerri McBride: 8:16

You figure that's a good one. Something with a fancy bottle.

Jamie Flanagan: 8:21

Something with a fancy bottle. Yeah, the lusty claw with the.

Kerri McBride: 8:25

so yeah, so well, the good news is basil hayden has a really cool bottle yes, yes that's the coolest bottle ever and this turned out to be one of my favorites actually.

Jamie Flanagan: 8:35

Yeah, you know, I saw somebody did with that the they. They got the ring off of the basil hayden and they put it on their yeti cup.

Kerri McBride: 8:43

Yeah, they put it on their yeti tumbler so I think it's funny you mentioned yeti, because my um, my husband, for mother's day I brought all my toys to show you. Look at this new shaker. Have you seen one of these?

Jamie Flanagan: 8:57

no, is that a yeti shaker?

Kerri McBride: 8:59

yeti shaker. I don't know with my background if you can.

Jamie Flanagan: 9:01

Oh, my goodness yeah.

Kerri McBride: 9:03

This thing is so cool it doesn't leak. It's awesome. I'm in love with it. So, of course, it's the toys. Now, I'm really into the toys, the bourbon toys.

Jamie Flanagan: 9:13

Yeah, yeah. So there's like cause I'm going to mix a Manhattan, so I got my, my, my spoon and uh, but uh, uh, four roses has theirellow Moments Club. We were talking about this last week.

Kerri McBride: 9:26

I saw that last week yeah, we were talking about it, yeah, and they send you swag, right.

Jamie Flanagan: 9:32

So I got this really cool spoon from them and a strainer and other things and it's just the toys that go with it. Yeah, it's good Because you've got to have the right tools. Because you go to a bar and you go to one of these craft cocktails or these speakeasies and you get a cocktail and it's like why can't I do that at home? You know, why can't I make these at home? And it's because you don't have the right tools very often.

Jamie Flanagan: 9:59

Yeah, you know, the bartenders will tell you You've got to have the right tools. Well, and also, it's the measuring thing. You know, the bartenders will tell you You've got to have the right tools.

Kerri McBride: 10:06

Well, and also it's the measuring thing. You know, I'm an engineer by training, which means, by definition, we do not read direction. I'm just saying for drinks, I just dump the stuff in there and it's not so great. But I've turned over a new leaf. I just bought myself a new jigger. That's really cool.

Jamie Flanagan: 10:23

I'm actually using it, I'm actually measuring it does, it really does, and and so, and the other thing I noticed that, uh, the professional bartenders do, or the one that and one we had, this girl tara. Uh, she comes in and uh, she bartends for us and does cocktails for us. Now again, uh, she goes a little heavier on the bitters, right? Yeah, so the recipes call for usually for two or three and she's like a good five or six.

Kerri McBride: 10:52

I agree with her. I like my old fashions better than the ones I buy at this point, and I double the bitters every time I use orange bitters too. I really like that yeah.

Jamie Flanagan: 11:01

Which bitters do you use?

Kerri McBride: 11:03

Orange. I use bitters too I really yeah.

Jamie Flanagan: 11:04

Which bitters do you use?

Kerri McBride: 11:05


Jamie Flanagan: 11:05

I I use, yeah, orange, orange bitters yeah I like those better than the normal kind yep which is way too hard to say anyway yeah, the angostura, yeah, those, uh, yeah, so I gotta grab my orange bitters from the other room. I just brought the. I'll just use the angostura for this for Manhattan. But yeah, so is there. What did you when you were writing the book? Is there something that you learned? Was there something new that you learned and discovered while you were writing the book?

Kerri McBride: 11:35

Well, I learned so much while I was writing the book because there were a whole lot of things that I thought I knew and before I put them in a book I had to go figure out do I really know this, right, right. So I was all over the Internet, I was reading books, I was and, yeah, a lot of the basics I had down, but I began to understand why I think I like certain things more than I like other things and I began to put a picture together and that was kind of the inspiration as well. This is really helping me understand how to enjoy bourbon. Right, the process of writing the book helped me understand and you know, simple things like I don't love super high proof bourbons.

Kerri McBride: 12:14

You know, my palate is just not developed to the point where I can appreciate that.

Jamie Flanagan: 12:25

Other things. Like you know, don't spend 100 bucks on a bottle of bourbon that you're going to throw into an old fashioned a waste of dollars, which goes back to the all right, what?

Kerri McBride: 12:31

what can you choose? That's 30 bucks, 40 bucks that you're going to enjoy, both neat and you're not going to feel horrible about throwing it in an old fashioned. So, um, doing that research, uh, learning from the people who are super knowledgeable out there. You know, for example, this book by Fred Minnick you know, I love this book, can you?

Jamie Flanagan: 12:55

see the book.

Kerri McBride: 12:57

Yeah, I mean that's, that's so impressive. But when I first started learning about bourbon, this was too much.

Jamie Flanagan: 13:04


Kerri McBride: 13:05

It was just too advanced for where my head is at Now. I'm starting to read it and actually absorb things from it.

Jamie Flanagan: 13:12

So you've got yours as a primer and then you can dive deep with Fred Fred's amazing. Yeah, I want to party with that guy one day. I bet, I bet, I love to watch his podcast he does taste things and that kind of thing.

Kerri McBride: 13:24

It's fun, yeah. So as you've gone through and you've tried different bourbons, have you found one? You said you like the Basil Hayden. It was there. Do you have a go-to Do? You have a favorite? Well, you know, it's probably all the usual suspects. Basil Hayden is always on the shelf. You know, I really like the Basil Hayden, the toast version, yes, which gives it a little bit more.

Jamie Flanagan: 13:53

And I just picked up this one, which I've never tried before this red wine cask finish.

Kerri McBride: 13:56

Have you tried that one? I have not tried that one, I was thinking this might be really good in a New York sour Because of the floater you know, the red wine or whatever you do as a floater.

Kerri McBride: 14:05

This might be a really interesting choice for that. But back to your question. Wild Turkey 101, it's just a good. You know four roses. I always have four roses. I always have a Woodford, because when we have guests and we say, hey, what would you like, a lot of people who have just started with bourbon the one thing they know is Woodford, because you can get it in almost every restaurant you go to.

Kerri McBride: 14:26

We've got Woodford, four Roses and Hazel Hayden and a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Now, horse Soldier is really big down here in St Petersburg because there's a Horse Soldier distillery restaurant thing down here.

Jamie Flanagan: 14:46

I always have some of that just for fun my son loves it, so I don't know the selection is that the horse soldier have the tin uh badge on the front of it.

Kerri McBride: 14:53

Okay, uh, I don't think I've tried that one yet. I haven't sorted them all out yet yeah, so is there.

Jamie Flanagan: 15:00

so is. Uh, you said you know I'm not not going to spend $100 on a bottle. I'm kind of thrifty like that myself, but is there a bottle like an expensive bottle that you know all those are like, probably anywhere from the $30 to $60 range the ones you were mentioning? Do you have a big dog that you like? Is there one that you like on the high end?

Kerri McBride: 15:23

I'm so Dutch you know I don't like to spend there one that you like on the high end. I'm so dutch you know I don't like to spend. I hate to spend money on something I don't know I love yet. So, um, I did for father's day, I set up a tasting for my husband, so I got, I had the usual suspects which we have all the time, and then I got a bottle of I'm gonna do this from memory Remus which is like $100, $150, $115, somewhere in there. And I have a bottle of Barrel which is like I'm going to say, $60, $70.

Kerri McBride: 15:55

For me that's a lot. That's just the way I am, but the truth is they're super high proof.

Jamie Flanagan: 16:02


Kerri McBride: 16:02

So I go into a tasting. I tasting, I'm like, oh, this may be really good, it gets really good reviews, but I'm not quite ready for this yet yeah, I got this.

Jamie Flanagan: 16:12

What have you got there? Uh, this, I have a rye, I'm doing a manhattan, so I'm I got, uh, it's a rittenhouse. It is a rittenhouse is a very, very reasonable priced bottle. Yeah, I want to say it's 20. It's definitely under 25. But it's a really nice. It's bottled and bond, so it's 100 proof, yeah, and so, yeah, so it's a nice one to just have on the rocks or, you know, definitely mixing it up. And I was going to mix up a Manhattan. It's been my go-to lately. We talked about the New York Sour earlier, but I was doing a Manhattan. So this is how I do the Manhattan. Is I cheat? I just do it right in the glass. So it's two ounces of the rye whiskey and then one ounce of vermouth do you get? What kind of vermouth do you use?

Kerri McBride: 17:13

I don't, I tell you, I don't. You don't make the Manhattan no no, I mean, my go-to is bourbon, a few drops of bitters, a couple drops of stevia and ice cube.

Jamie Flanagan: 17:30


Jamie Flanagan: 17:30

Happy woman, happy woman All right, you sit really in the old-fashioned market. Then, all right, yeah, I like the Manhattan. It's just with the vermouth. This is the Doolin um, vermouth is nice, cookie is the other one we usually use, um, and then I got in trouble when we first started doing this because I was using the one vermouth that you see, you know everywhere in your grocery stores. Uh, that's widely available and it's, like, you know, a lower end one and there's a few party stores here in town, liquor stores that we know the people at.

Jamie Flanagan: 18:08

And Big Tony was watching from the wine garden and he was like, for shame, you're mixing that awful, awful vermouth. He goes, you've got to get into the store and I'm going to fix you, I'm going to get you a better vermouth. I'm like, all right, tony, I know he was mad, so he got me into the dual and the cookie for the vermouths and I've been very, very happy with those decisions. All right. And then, yeah, I got the just the regular angostura bitters. Yeah, uh, to go along with it and, like I said, it calls for three. I probably just put four or five in there.

Kerri McBride: 18:44

I'm telling you I go heavy like six of them.

Jamie Flanagan: 18:47

Let her rip I know, I know it's uh, I just I dig it so and then so it says to um, you know, put it in a shaker with ice and then strain it. I cheat, I just do it right in the glass.

Kerri McBride: 19:04

I like cheating. Again, it's all about keeping it easy. You know you get done. You're working all day. You don't want to. Sometimes you really want to do it right, grab the shaker bottle or get the glass and stir it all up, but sometimes you just want the straight path to gratification so I got some really really clear, clear, clear, clear ice um like you have that double decker ice maker thing.

Jamie Flanagan: 19:29

I love that no, I got a little baby playmate, cooler I've heard that that can be done, yeah so and a bread knife and a hammer say how you do it.

Jamie Flanagan: 19:40

Tell me how you do it, I do it. So, yeah, it's a little baby, this is the playmate. The little playmate cooler, right, but it's the one with the you want, the one with a lid that you can pop off, yeah, and then, um so, really not the playmate, but whatever. Um so, but it's just the lunchbox size one, you know, it's only, you know, eight inches by 10 inches or whatever, and I fill it full of water. Yeah, throw it in the freezer, move the turkey off the shelf and so there's room for this little baby cooler in there, and then let it sit freeze for about about usually 23, 22, 24 hours. Yeah, about, uh, about usually 23, 22, 24 hours. Um, and then, because the ice freezes from the top down and the, the air gets trapped underneath, yeah, um, and then you just kind of throw it in the sink and let it fall out of the thing, and then, just with the bread knife, you really just score the ice and then tap it and it cracks like you're cutting diamonds, it's great.

Kerri McBride: 20:38

I, you know, went to amazon and bought the double decker deal yeah honestly, it's just mocking up what you just described yeah, you know, yeah, it's a square plastic thing that's insulated and the bottom half of it is full of water, and then your ice cube tray sits on top of it, with holes in the bottom of each one of the ice squares.

Jamie Flanagan: 20:59


Kerri McBride: 21:00

But the ice comes out totally clear.

Jamie Flanagan: 21:02


Kerri McBride: 21:03

And that is cool.

Jamie Flanagan: 21:04

Yeah Right, I don't know you can't. It's just beautiful. You can't see the. You're hard pressed to see the ice Gorgeous In there. Yeah, I need the light behind me. Yeah, it just disappears when it's in your cocktail. And then my wife will yell at me. She goes that's a heavy pour. I go. No, I go, I got the good ice in there. It's all ice. It's not that big of a pour. It's usually a pretty good pour too.

Kerri McBride: 21:33

I just made this golden hour cocktail. I should have known, because if I looked at the ingredients list, it's roughly a third bourbon, a third something else and a third something else yeah which means I'm not going to be happy right, because there's not enough bourbon right as a percentage in the total mix. So I'd rather have less and more bourbon forward and what I'm drinking. So of course I had to go back and throw a bunch more bourbon in there, and now I'm happier with it.

Jamie Flanagan: 22:03

So what else? What else is in the golden hour?

Kerri McBride: 22:06

oh gosh, now you're gonna now you're gonna force me to go from memory, but it's uh roll aperitivo yeah, yeah, yeah, that apparel, yeah, yeah yeah, that's one more thing it right, which is the other issue. I think I really like more of a spicy kind of drink, but I mean, that's what I'm up to. Now I'm wandering through this fabulous cocktail book. Have you seen this one?

Jamie Flanagan: 22:32

No, which one's that?

Kerri McBride: 22:34

This is by Amy Zavado Okay, who I guess is really famous for this kind of thing, so it's really an interesting book. It's set up by kind of flavor profile and I've been walking my way through it. Now I just realized that the sweet ones are not the ones I like. So see, yeah, just gotta keep experimenting we, we've done some uh, some very.

Jamie Flanagan: 23:01

There's a, uh, it's a. The kids in the hall, the comedy show, they, they. One of their bits was, uh, he was a girl drink drunk and he was in the closet with the blender and little umbrellas, uh, but that's kind of me. I kind of, I kind of really like the. I like the tropical drinks, I, I like the drinks with the umbrella, the sweet, the fruity, but I like the bourbon straight up. But then people think I don't like the bourbon straight up, but I do. I like the bitters and this Manhattan, this is a spicy the Rittenhouse. You mix it there with the vermouth and it's a nice spicy drink.

Kerri McBride: 23:38

It's just vermouth and bitters.

Jamie Flanagan: 23:40

Yeah, so the bourbon two to one, and you can actually even go a little lighter. You know, do two on the bourbon and then just like one, or you know like a three quarters or a half on the vermouth if you want it to be a little more bourbon forward. Yeah so, that's Well I didn't get into that.

Kerri McBride: 23:56

My sister loves mehens. Yeah, that's Well. I got to get into the. My Sister Loves Me hen, so I got to have that ready for when she comes to visit next time.

Jamie Flanagan: 24:00

Yeah, I mean, there's not too many ingredients, right, so you can do it. And then I got the Luxardo cherries too. We had to top it off with a Luxardo cherry. They're pretty, do you do the Luxardos?

Kerri McBride: 24:12

I do when I'm feeling like making things pretty Sure. The thing I love is I love to have an orange peel or a lemon peel. I just love the look and I grow my own rosemary here. I've got a little herb garden, so I have my own rosemary. I love to throw rosemary in there with a little bit of orange peel. It's just pretty. That's what I do. Versus the umbrella, I'll leave the umbrellas to you.

Jamie Flanagan: 24:37

No, no, I like the, I like the orange peel and rosemary.

Kerri McBride: 24:46

I gotta, I gotta try that I gotta in your old fashion. I gotta try that. Have you ever done the smoked old fashion? Have you had?

Jamie Flanagan: 24:50

one smoked. I have really mixed results, though.

Kerri McBride: 24:52

Um. I went through my smoking phase here not my smoke, not this kind of smoking, but smoke bourbon taste. So I have three different varieties of smokers.

Jamie Flanagan: 25:01

Oh, okay.

Kerri McBride: 25:02

But I finally found the one that's like the glass case kind of thing, and I could actually stick two old-fashioned in there and smoke that, but I don't think I'm very good at it yet, to be honest. I mean, sometimes you really get the smoky taste Sometimes you don't it must be user error of some kind. I mean, sometimes you really get the smoky taste, Sometimes you don't. It must be, must be user error of some kind?

Kerri McBride: 25:22

I don't know what the error is, but my favorite local bar here in St Petersburg which unfortunately shut down last year. They knew how to smoke, no fashion, I mean. When that thing came out it just the smoke was, just, you know.

Jamie Flanagan: 25:36

and smoke was just fabulous, you know.

Kerri McBride: 25:37

And the pungent smoke aroma stayed with it long after it came out of the box.

Jamie Flanagan: 25:44


Kerri McBride: 25:44

So I aspire to that. I love that.

Jamie Flanagan: 25:49

I like getting them when I'm out at one of the fancier restaurants and, you know, pay a little extra for it and get it smoked because it's fun and they do a presentation and everything and get it smoked Because it's fun and they do a presentation and everything.

Kerri McBride: 26:00

Buffalo the horse soldier distillery here smokes everything. The manager came by and said, hey, after dinner I'm like, oh, it's really good. But what I really want to know is, would that taste any different if it weren't smoked? So suddenly we got here. He came back with one smoked, one unsmoked and we did a taste test. Right, there, oh, my it's a great restaurant manager right, that's awesome.

Jamie Flanagan: 26:27

You know you're going back after that, Anna.

Kerri McBride: 26:29

Absolutely, and you better, because it's not cheap, but it was worth it. It was a great experience and really I love the smoked old fashioned. It's experience and really I love the smoked old-fashioned. It's just awesome.

Jamie Flanagan: 26:42

So one of these days, I'm gonna redevelop that skill set. All right, yeah, I gotta I. I haven't done. I haven't done it at home. I get them when I'm out and about, but I haven't. Uh, I haven't got a home smoker yet. That's kind of on my list. Uh, like what did I get the?

Kerri McBride: 26:55

guy that I talked to said cherry wood, gotta use cherry wood and of use cherry wood. And of course when you buy a smoker they'll sell you six different kinds of wood.

Jamie Flanagan: 27:03

Okay, yeah.

Kerri McBride: 27:06

He said cherry wood and he firmly believed that there was one kind of torch thing. He didn't use one of the boxes, he had a torch.

Jamie Flanagan: 27:15


Kerri McBride: 27:16

And he would actually have a piece of cherry wood and he would fire the heck out of that cherry. Actually, set a little piece of the cherry plank on fire, turn the glass upside down and sit it on that smoking plank, and then he would be mixing the drink and he would put it all together and smoke it again. Man, was it good? I don't know what happened to that guy, he went away. When the restaurant went away, he knew how to do it. He really knew how to do it.

Jamie Flanagan: 27:45

Yeah, that's why I follow my favorite bartenders on Facebook, because they'll move from bar to bar and it's like you know, there's people that are just talented and they just do it right and you just want to follow them when you find them.

Kerri McBride: 28:02

I just want to sit there and watch them.

Jamie Flanagan: 28:04


Kerri McBride: 28:04

You know, because they're just doing it. Yeah, oh they're not stressing, they're not measuring and every time it's perfect.

Jamie Flanagan: 28:10

Yeah, I want to do that, it's when I get home. It's like I'm like oh, got to watch them, because I want to do this when I get home. I want to be able to replicate this.

Kerri McBride: 28:27

So that whole egg white thing really threw me. Yeah, so we were talking about new york sours earlier, um, and then I'm senior class. I we go to new york, like once. I have a friend who the same friend who introduced me to old fashions in charleston we meet, meet up with them in new york and we do music, we do Broadway shows, something like that, and we usually are drinking bourbon every place we go. And this last trip, which was just a couple months ago, we were doing new york sours everywhere we went we did a new york sours. So we went to nobu, you know the famous nobu restaurant. That was like our big splurge while we were in new york city yeah and they had the nobu old-fashioned and and I had that.

Kerri McBride: 28:59

It was fabulous. It has ginger beer in it. But every place else we went we had New York Sours and they were all wonderful and I loved that foamy, taut stuff. And then I got home, looked at the recipe and said I don't know if I'm going to do that.

Jamie Flanagan: 29:11

Egg white.

Kerri McBride: 29:12

I found this stuff. Have you seen this stuff?

Jamie Flanagan: 29:14


Kerri McBride: 29:24

This is Fee, this is fee, you know.

Jamie Flanagan: 29:25

Feed the fee brothers. Yeah, yeah, they have fee foam, a non-ed, a non-egg alternative for shaken drinks.

Kerri McBride: 29:27

Oh, and you just if you dump it in there just like bitters yeah shake the heck out of it. It's awesome okay, so, but even just I'm not trying to taste it right, it's really more of a look thing yeah, because the new york sour is bourbon, lemon juice, bourbon and lemon juice, yeah right.

Jamie Flanagan: 29:47

And then the wine float the wine float, now foam.

Kerri McBride: 29:52

Is that? Is that the new york sour, or am I thinking of the paper plane?

Jamie Flanagan: 29:57

uh the paper plane this new york sour, I think it is yeah yeah, the new york sour does, um, where's my new york sour recipe?

Jamie Flanagan: 30:07

there it is, um, so, yeah, it's uh. So whiskey, and then lemon juice, simple syrup. Um, here's, here's, here's what I do. Instead of the simple syrup, um, I use maple syrup, um, like maple, like get a, get a, you know, just a, a, honest to goodness, you know, not the, not the, uh, uh, you know, plastic woman, uh, on a bottle, but uh, an actual, from the trees, maple syrup, uh, instead of the simple syrup. So, yeah, so that it and it's sticky, it gets in there.

Jamie Flanagan: 30:45

Uh, so the simple syrup, the lemon juice and the whiskey. And then, when I shake it, right, because when it's uh, uh, when it's a, a juice, uh, it's supposed to be shaken. Uh, if it's not juices, it's stirred is, from what I understand, I didn't know that. Yeah, so when a cocktail has juice in it lime juice, lemon juice, some sort of when it has juice, that's when you shake it. Okay, and the other cocktails without juices are stirred. So that's why it's a big deal that James Bond asked for the martini shaken, not stirred. Not stirred Because normally it would be stirred because there's no juice in it.

Kerri McBride: 31:27

I was just going to ask you Bond man, yeah, so that's the difference.

Jamie Flanagan: 31:33

And they say, oh, you'll bruise the gin if you're shaking it. It's like what? I don't understand that, uh. But it's nice when you, when you take this and you shake it up with just the lemon juice and the, the maple syrup and the and the bourbon, it gets a little foamy just of its of itself from shake, from shaking it, um, and then I float the red wine on it and and boom, we're done. I don't, uh, just the egg white freaks me out. It just uh, I just I don't know. Yeah, it just seems weird. I don't just the egg white freaks me out.

Kerri McBride: 32:00

It just I don't know, it's fun, isn't it? Yeah, it just seems weird, but I don't have a terrible time with the floater. I've tried maybe three or four times. I do the you know upside down spoon, grizzle it over and boom, it goes to the bottom of the glass and all of a sudden, my glass is red.

Jamie Flanagan: 32:17

So I'm a big Guinness drinker. Yeah, when it comes to beer, it's Guinness or nothing. Really, for me, if I go to a bar, if they don't have Guinness, it's like okay, give me a PBR, it doesn't matter.

Kerri McBride: 32:31

It doesn't even matter right, right, yeah.

Jamie Flanagan: 32:33

And then people oh no, we have this milkshake chocolate vanilla stout. No, that's not Guininness, just get me a pbr. But uh, guinness, to do the black and tans? Um, they have spoons for that, because that you gotta, it's basically a float with the black and tan, um and the guinness all the time, but I know that's a float, so well, pretty much yeah so, um.

Jamie Flanagan: 32:56

So there's a, there's a Guinness, there's a special bar spoon Again, buying those toys, right, yeah? So you get a special spoon and I have those from you know, doing the Guinness and doing black and tans at home, and so I use that when I do my float on my New York Sours.

Kerri McBride: 33:11

So what's special about the spoon?

Jamie Flanagan: 33:14

It's just rounder. It's, you know, it's not the less spoon shape, more round shaped, uh, you know, like an ice cream scoop. Yeah, yeah, but no, it's, it's, it's very spoon like. It's still very spoon like, but it's just round, you know, instead of the, the pear shaped, sir.

Kerri McBride: 33:32

So we gotta do a demo on this yeah, well, because we were talking.

Jamie Flanagan: 33:37

We have a mutual friend, uh, tanya cole, uh, from atlanta, um, and she's great. She was on, she's been on the show and when we were doing joe louis bourbon, she was like all over that, uh, and I still talk to her. You talk to people right on facebook, yeah, oh, I still talk to her all the time. It's like you know, liking posts and commenting and we don't really, you know, talk but yeah, I would still get to know her just a tiny bit.

Jamie Flanagan: 34:03

So, uh, we'll have you back. We'll do new york sours with tanya and, because I want to talk to her, she went to that uh, stave and thief, uh, training, so she's a bourbon steward, so I'd love to hear about that. Well, I'll let you know, yeah, I'll let you know when she's going to be on and you can come on and just, we can just hang out and do new york, we can mess with new york sours, I'll get, I'll get the fee brother thing and and we'll do that. But let's get back to your book, right? Uh, the bourbon basics for her. Um, how do people get it right? Are you? You're kind of giving it? Oh, do you give it away or what do you do?

Kerri McBride: 34:38

What I'm doing now is really getting reviews because I know you know, I know this much about this. I'm not an author by profession, but what I've learned is that until you have social proof for a book, people are like, well, is it even worth it, right? So what's recommended is that you work with reviewers who are willing to give you honest feedback about the book and hopefully they like the book. And what I ask is that they go to Amazon and leave a review for me, honest review. If you don't like it, tell me you don't like it, and a couple of people have Okay, all right.

Kerri McBride: 35:13

But most people are, you know. They'll tell you what they like about it, but they'll also give you ideas for how to make it better. So, I have ads running on Facebook now where folks can just ping me and I send them an electronic copy of the book for free, just for their feedback on the book, for their review of the book. But if you want to buy a real copy, so to speak, you can go to Amazon and just search Bourbon Basics on Amazon, it'll pop right up Okay.

Kerri McBride: 35:39

And you know, it's not very expensive. As I said, it's, it's the, it's the starter book for bourbon.

Kerri McBride: 35:45

You know, it's got a few recipes, a little bit of learning and really it just gets you started for the good stuff. So go to Facebook search, go to my website, which is it's just a page that's for people who love bourbon. It's called ladies love bourbon. My website, which is it's just a page that's for people who love bourbon, it's called ladies love bourbon, and you can go there and click on a link and I'll send you a free copy of the book. And all I ask in return is that you give me an honest review of the book and, if you want to buy it it's like LL, LL bourbon J.

Jamie Flanagan: 36:13

It's like uh, it's cause LL cool J. It's like L ladies love cool J. I was going to play some LL Cool J, that's why.

Kerri McBride: 36:22

I've met so many fun people, so many fun people and all kinds of folks. I would say that 30% of the people who ask for a view and buy the book are men.

Jamie Flanagan: 36:32


Kerri McBride: 36:33

You know, it's just probably shouldn't have made it for her, but obviously I was speaking from my own point of view.

Jamie Flanagan: 36:40

Sure, well, and that's, you know, the trap with the man cave, right, it's like, it's like, well, and that's why we put on the sign. It's a podcast for everybody, yes, for everybody, and it's just, it's not we do, you know, we do gin and tequila. We've done gin, te, tequila, rum, uh, vodkas, uh, you know cocktails, so you have uh in part of it. Uh, are some classic cocktail recipes, recipes from differed's guide? Uh, in there. Uh, so the old fashion. We know you're an old-fashioned junkie, so let's take the old-fashioned off the table. Uh, what is your, what is your number two, uh, favorite cocktail?

Kerri McBride: 37:20

my number two at the moment is a paper plane which is again. You know, a classic. It's just super easy to make, it's fun, it's very citrusy, it's not too sweet. You know, that's, that's great. And if I'm not having and if I'm not having my bourbon over an ice cube with some bitters, it's probably a paper plane and then, maybe an old-fashioned. I'm a simple lady. I like simple stuff, so that's good enough for me.

Jamie Flanagan: 37:46

Yeah, so I don't know if you went back to that one. We just did the paper plane, did you really? Yeah, there's a girl, another see, it's another lady in the man cave. Um, her name is sarah sarah. I saw sarah from a flavor journal drink yeah yeah, sarah from a flavor journal and uh. So yeah, we did the paper plane, uh, with her and uh. So yeah, we like the, we, we, I enjoy, we enjoyed the hell out of it. I, I watched the podcast.

Kerri McBride: 38:22

I thought you looked like you guys were having a blast, yeah, yeah, the bar is she bar. I'd love to meet her. She'd be so much fun.

Jamie Flanagan: 38:29

Yeah, she's super. Maybe we'll just make it a big girl party. We'll have a big slumber party. We'll have Sarah on and Tanya.

Kerri McBride: 38:35

I have so many questions. I can't wait to be able to have somebody to ask all these questions to. Yeah, yeah, it'd be fun. Tanya's. Good Tanya, she knows she's. I don't want to make a list of. If you're going to buy one bourbon that's referred to as woody, which one would that be? If you're going to buy one that's referred to as spicy. Which one would that?

Jamie Flanagan: 39:00

be All right.

Kerri McBride: 39:01

Because then you can think about food parents right.

Jamie Flanagan: 39:04


Kerri McBride: 39:04

Which I love to cook, Love to entertain. I'm going to incorporate bourbon into entertaining food pairings. Right yeah, I love to cook, Love to entertain. Gotta incorporate bourbon into entertaining. But my tasting palate is not all that well-developed yet, so how do I know what I really should buy?

Jamie Flanagan: 39:19

Yeah, and Sarah is really good with that on her flavor journal. Yeah, we'll just have a little cocktail party. That'd be awesome. Yeah, I love that. Everybody bring a cocktail and talk about it. I think Maybe it might be fun, and we'll kind of dive into Tanya's experiences too. All right, cool, so people can find it. They just go to Amazon and then they can just search Bourbon Basics and it'll come up.

Kerri McBride: 39:46

Pop right up there, or they can go to my search bourbon basics and and it'll, it'll come up there and uh, uh, or they can go to my Facebook page find me there.

Jamie Flanagan: 39:52

Yep, um, so, if you, if you're, if you're willing to do a little work and write a review, um, honest reviews, honest and real reviews. Uh, you can get one for free. Yeah, you can get one for free. So, um, I I shared it with Matt and August and they both enjoyed it. They both they're like oh, this is good, and then so they, yeah, they both. They're like oh, this is, but it's short, it's very short, and that's the thing we're just trying to and that's the object of the man cave is to learn right.

Kerri McBride: 40:34

Just have some fun with it. You know, explore, do something new.

Jamie Flanagan: 40:38

You might love it.

Kerri McBride: 40:39

You might not love it, but what do you get if you don't try stuff right? So I love the man cave. That sounds terrific, yeah.

Jamie Flanagan: 40:45

Melody, you're a regular watcher now. Melody loves food pairings. Yeah, she loves doing that, so thanks for chiming in there. All right, cool. So your Facebook page there's a Facebook group and that's Ladies Love Bourbon Mm-hmm. And then the Facebook. Is there a page for the, the book itself, or is there a group or a page?

Kerri McBride: 41:15

so you moderate, you moderate that, that group, all right they're all having fun with people who are learning about her. It's a blast. I understand more fun, but I had no idea have and the other thing I've learned is that there are a ton of women out there yeah who absolutely love it, so I was feeling all alone, unnecessarily yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jamie Flanagan: 41:41

Have you done, uh, the bourbon trail? Have you done the distilleries?

Kerri McBride: 41:45

I haven't and I'm dying to do it yeah contacted by so many people who are distillery folk saying so why didn't you talk about us in your book? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't even know you noticed. I can't wait to go. I've enlisted my son. He's going to be our driver. He's going to drive us everywhere.

Jamie Flanagan: 42:04

Oh, okay, I was going to say because we have some friends there on the Bourbon Trail. They're the Kentucky Bourbon Boys and they do curated tours and so they know the ins and outs. They'll take you to the popular ones, they'll take you to the back road ones. They usually do in a day. They said it's reasonable to go because they're not like all next door, next door, next door. They're kind of spread out uh, but they, they'll, they'll curate a tour, they'll talk to you, they'll interview you and and and they'll set up and they'll do a tour, uh for you. And it's like, yeah, so we check in with them and they give us news from the bourbon trail now and again. Uh, that is so cool, yeah, kentucky bourbon boys, and then you not driving right, and they know the good spots for dinner, they know you've got good spots for lunch, and so they set up a whole.

Jamie Flanagan: 42:53

Yeah, so they operate out of Louisville and, yeah, they'll take you around. So that's my plan is to go and hang with the Kentucky Bourbon Boys.

Kerri McBride: 43:03

That sounds fantastic.

Jamie Flanagan: 43:05

We should get a group together, everybody rendezvous, get all rendezvous in Kentucky and Louisville, wouldn't that?

Kerri McBride: 43:10

be fun though that would be a riot and the other thing I'm dying to figure out is virtual tasting experiences, because I'm in my palate development phase, but I haven't seen a ton out there. Do you know anybody who does like curated bourbon tastings, like virtual tastings?

Jamie Flanagan: 43:28

It's tricky because because shipping right and it varies state by state of where you can sell liquor, where you can import it, you know, say, from this state to that state or that or within the state itself um, it gets, it gets tricky. Um, I know the party store owners in michigan we call them party stores. You know, liquor stores, convenience stores, whatever. But the party store owners in Michigan, we call them party stores, liquor stores, convenience stores, whatever. But the party stores here in Michigan they'll get the samples from the distilleries when they do a barrel pick. They'll do their barrel pick and they'll get samples and they do it. They don't have to drive to Kentucky to do it. But they love all the stores that we work with. They love going down there and and making those connections and and being there and actually tasting the barrels.

Jamie Flanagan: 44:13

Um, so, but that's more of I don't know. I guess there's probably ways around it for that, um, but yeah, so there's another group of folks that we, uh, we we've worked with a couple of times. They're called Shaker and Spoon and it's a box, it's like a monthly subscription box of cocktails, but it's everything except the booze, right. So they give you and I got a few umbrellas here in the studio, because one of theirs was we did the tiki one with them and they had umbrellas in it.

Kerri McBride: 44:43

I was so happy that's cool, I was in my glory. It's cocktails, though in it.

Jamie Flanagan: 44:51

I was so happy, I was in my glory. So it's not bourbon specific, uh, no, yeah, so it's, you know, mezcal or tequila, or rum, or whatever.

Kerri McBride: 44:57

Um, so yeah, so it's uh, but yeah, so they. I'm dying for one where a box comes to me and an expert tells me all right, bottle number one, that is cinnamon and vanilla yeah that's what you're tasting, right? Because I don't. Yeah, it tastes good, or doesn't it? But I don't know how to relate that to the right descriptors.

Jamie Flanagan: 45:15


Kerri McBride: 45:15

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Jamie Flanagan: 45:17

So you like bourbon, so the ryes are right in there with bourbon. But where are you at with the other whiskeys? Or I wish irish whiskeys, um, are you into those at all?

Kerri McBride: 45:31

not at all okay. I've only just mixed drinks right right, truly am a neophyte and I fell in love with bourbon, so that's like the only thing I do now. I always have whiskeys here, so you know, sure have you done scotch?

Jamie Flanagan: 45:43

have you done scotch? Are you into scotch? Have you done scotch? Are you into scotch at all? A?

Kerri McBride: 45:46

little bit of this, a little bit of that, but I tried scotch years ago when I wasn't really ready for it.

Jamie Flanagan: 45:53

Yeah, I'm not scotch. I make, I make bad choices. I get cranky before and during and then after it's scotch, I don't know. But I did a tasting. It was interesting. Johnny Walker is a blend, right. And so we did a taste. It was cool and it was dangerous.

Jamie Flanagan: 46:20

Because you got there and there was like a welcome cocktail hour and so you had like a cocktail or two and the liquor was all Johnny Walker hour and so you had like a cocktail or two and the liquor was all johnny walker, um. And then you went into the, the tasting, and it was a free promotional thing they put on. It was insane. So there was like hors d'oeuvres there. And then you sat down there's a placemat and there were like five shots on the placemat, right. So there was a johnny walker and it was like, uh, the they were just the regular johnny walker, and then there were the three. So one was um, the what they blend. So the three that they would blend to create the johnny walker.

Jamie Flanagan: 46:54

So you would try the johnny walker and then you would try, and one was peat, uh. One was very floral, uh, and one was more of a straight, just whiskey, um. And then the fifth one was another shot of johnny walker and they're like all right, so you don't have to and we don't recommend you drink all, all of them. You know all of them all the way through. Um, you know, cause that's like you had a cocktail for the welcome hour and then, and then you have five shots in front of you. Yeah, I, you know, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't make good choices. So I drank them all, but that's kind of what you were talking about to have somebody send you that. I'd imagine it's available out there somewhere, but again, it depends on where you live, as if you can get it shipped to you or not, because some states have, you can't.

Kerri McBride: 47:44

New York, florida. Of course we can do anything.

Jamie Flanagan: 47:47

Michigan is a little restrictive. We can in Florida, of course we can do anything. I mean it's Michigan is a little restrictive. We can't get stuff shipped here. There's.

Kerri McBride: 47:51

What I've noticed, though the ones that I found online is they were it was more almost like a sales come on. It's like here are four things for you to taste and maybe you'll want to buy.

Jamie Flanagan: 48:04

Right, right right.

Kerri McBride: 48:13

I was really looking for something that was more educational in nature. You know, to try and figure out what, what is it? I like you know, and I I think that I'm starting to figure that out, but I would really love to you know. Maybe I just need to go to tastings yeah, you know yeah local in town tastings or spend a whole lot of time in Kentucky.

Jamie Flanagan: 48:27

Right, yeah, yeah. So we have some great in the metro Detroit area. Here there's some great. You know whiskey in the winter and the halls of whiskey and there's all these. You know the bourbon classic. So there's these tastings and you know the manufacturer's set up and you can go and you can try the different ones. Right, and Traverse City has a pretty, they're getting pretty reputable Traverse City Distillery. They're, they're getting their, they're getting their product out there.

Jamie Flanagan: 48:55

Traverse City is known for their cherries, so they have a nice cherry one, two you know, a cherry bourbon. But they they do gin and vodka and, and, and, and the whole line of spirits. But they're doing the bourbons Downtown Ferndale people familiar with Michigan Nine Mile and Woodward. There's a Traverse City whiskey tasting room right there at Nine and Woodward which is pretty cool. And then there's another Detroit distillery. It's Detroit city distillery in downtown detroit and they have, they have some nice, they have some nice, uh nice bottles coming out of there too, and they do they do some interesting tastings uh, before they release things. Uh, sometimes they'll do tastings and they'll like invite people in to taste to decide what's going to get released as what. Uh, I've been lucky enough to get invited to a couple of those. Absolutely yeah. Look for the bourbon experience, or the bourbon whatever your local entertainment magazine usually puts them on. They're money grabs, but it's a nice chance to taste a lot of different things.

Kerri McBride: 50:04

Oh, it's also fun.

Kerri McBride: 50:06

We went to Charleston Food and Wine this last spring, which has a lot of different things. Oh, it's also fun. Yeah, we went to Charleston Food and Wine this last spring, which has a lot of things, obviously, but also a strong bourbon motif and there were a couple of. There was one event in particular. It was a really excellent restaurant in town and they had like a five-course meal. It was sponsored by Woodford, so everything was related, but each course came with its unique tiny little. But you know, for obvious reasons they needed to be tiny, because you're going to have five of them right.

Kerri McBride: 50:39

To taste with the, and I was fascinated by that, by by the designing of the drink to go with the food, the pairings, and fascinated by that. So I can't wait to learn more about that. That's what I'd love to do. Maybe I'll retire someday and do that.

Jamie Flanagan: 50:55

That's my plan, that's my retirement plan More man Cave, more man Cave, anyway, more.

Kerri McBride: 51:01

Man Cave. That's it More.

Jamie Flanagan: 51:03

Man Cave. Come on, yes, all right. So, carrie, thanks for hanging out in the man cave today. Find her on Amazon Bourbon Basics for Her, and then the Facebook pages Ladies Love Bourbon. Get connected, and so thank you so much for being here.

Kerri McBride: 51:22

Thanks for having me. It's been so fun. It's been a great time, so I'm hoping you'll have me back.

Jamie Flanagan: 51:27

Well, we will. So yeah, like I said, we'll get a party and we'll get some of the ladies in here and just kind of connect to everybody, make some more friendships.

Kerri McBride: 51:35

I'll be here Day or date. I'll be here.

Jamie Flanagan: 51:37

Alright, carrie, cheers, cheers. We'll see you soon.

Kerri McBride: 51:42

Cheers. Take care.